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Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xuven.2917


rename class druid
let us use a mace
let us wear light armor
replace longbow with staff
swap spirits and pets

Agreed entirely.

Pets should be on cast, spirit should be out permanently. This will allow for more tactical pet use, (On CC).

Also would like to see staff as a melee weapon for a Druid-like class.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xuven.2917


My Ranger Wishlist;
1. Sword MH Auto-attack no longer roots.
2. Pet AI magically has been fixed

Ranger Balance [Post CDI]

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xuven.2917


Just to throw in my 2c as a SW/WH Ranger, I am currently running a Support (Buffer) build with Spirits, so my suggestions will revolve around that.

These suggestions are entirely from a PvE bias, I haven’t delved deep enough into PvP to make any fair comments on it.

1. Traits
I feel the Beastmastery trait line is lacking in viable options, my favorite thing about it would be the passive Healing Power -> Power, which I would love to use, but I can’t get rid of any of my 20 points in Nature Magic/Wilderness Survival/Marksmanship, and sadly 10 points does not cut it.

Some traits I would like to see, not under any specific tree would include;
*Cooldown Reduction for Spirits
*Pet to automatically and immediately begin reviving when downed
*Spirits with Unbound Will to move toward target to cast their offensive spells (Obviously leaving Water Spirit and Spirit of Nature at your side)

2. Weapon Skills
I’m not the first to say I want to see more available weapons (Melee staff/Nature magic mace), but there are a few current skills I believe should be altered;

*_Sword auto-attack_, I know this has been spoken of before, but I find that my evade doesn’t evade instantly, it should cancel any current attack to evade, particularly the auto-attack!

*Warhorn “Call of the Wild and Hunter’s Call, I find Call of the Wild to be a fantastic ability, but it seems quite weak, I would suggest Regeneration be added to the given buffs or a duration increase, or even allow it to poison and burn the target (Keepin’ it Ranger natural).
Hunter’s Call could use a change also, I find it’s long cast time is only useful for getting back into position from being displaced by the auto-attack of my sword, although the damage is great I find that it isn’t a very engaging skill at all and something more exciting could be there. E.g. Fury Buff, Cast time reduced, Damage reduced, Cooldown reduced to 20s.

3. Slot Skills
*_Storm Spirit_, could also have an added Immobilize to it’s on-use ability, fits in with the whole Lightning scene and would make for a more viable slot choice.
– Add damage to Sun Spirit and Frost Spirit on use abilities.

*_Quickening Zephyr_, reduce base CD from 60s to kitten .

*_Muddy Terrain_ to be replaced with Barkskin, granting protection for 10s and stability for 5s on a ~35s cooldown.

*_Sharpening Stone_ to also increase base damage of the next 5 attacks by 25%

4. Pets
Add more pet skills for each pet, giving us variety, choice and utility options in each pet. Allow us to equip it’s skill like a slot skill would work. E.g. The wolf can have Terrifying Howl OR his “new alternative”, Call Pack which could summon multiple weak wolves for a short duration.