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Nine Dragon[ND] has migrated to BG now

in WvW

Posted by: YAIBA.6205


Hello everybody:

I am the Guild Leader of the SOR Nine Dragon Guild [N.D] “Fate Yaiba”.

Although there’re not many people in guild but we often hit the battlefield, I believe that everyone should have known us for a while.

We have been strived for honor with SOR from T5 to T2 now.

As the SOR GMT+8 few Asian Guild, we must tell everybody, we really fought very tired.

([CRS] Guild currently because the Guild Leader has not playing relationship, [CRS] Guild the members are to act together and we [N.D].)

After all, the SOR has been such a long time, but in GMT+8 hours zone, we wait and do not see the other large guilds appear.

We feel depressed, especially when the NA part from SOR have always being strong; however, there’re only the main court of SOR were doing fine, not even mention other courts.

[N.D.] has put our efforts to the period of GMT+8 from SOR, we went to battlefields almost every day; plus the time and money.

Noticing there aren’t so many rewards you can obtain after being so hard working, people feel depressed.

So we[N.D] decided go to BG, Thus challenge the T1.

As I said, I wish that we can help SOR leap to T1, but unfortunately it seems not very promising at the moment.

I’m really sorry, SOR friends, we can only accompany you to T2.

Although we will become opponents in the future, but we will never forget the time we had spent together.

Thanks to everyone, especially OWL! You are an excellent commander. I appreciate your help, we could lose our SOR main courts without you (sigh).

Well, I will see you later then!

[ND]Fate Yaiba
“Even though we’re not the strongest guild, we will be the most united guild.”

(edited by YAIBA.6205)

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: YAIBA.6205


Hello Nine Dragon and all Guilds from HoD!! Welcome to SoR!! Thank You for bringing your guild(s) to our server. I have noticed a HUGE difference since you have arrived!!

Please ignore the cranky ungrateful people on our server and keep doing a great job in WvW.

Just wanted to Welcome you all to SoR!!

Happy Hunting!
See you in Wvw!!

Thank you for your praise,and we will do our best in WvWvW for SOR.

hmmm, I have been reading, is it true that Blackgate alliances have been moving temporarily to SoR because they are bored of their current match up as they are automatically going to Tier 1 next week? DROW, ELTE, CRS, Nine Dragons etc

If true they have ruined one of the best match ups I’ve ever seen, well done… you’ve ruined 2 brackets in the same week, that takes class.


This is the leader of Nine Dragon[ND].

Nine Dragon come from HOD. and we will be stay in SOR as our home. We are not moving temporarily to SoR. And we have never been in Blackgate. My english is not good,but I still hope that you can understand what I mean. thx.

[ND]Fate Yaiba
“Even though we’re not the strongest guild, we will be the most united guild.”

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: YAIBA.6205


Hello fellows,

This is the leader of Nine Dragon[ND], and this is the first time I leave messages in official forum.

First of all, let me introduce our guild. We’re from the guild WvW in Taiwan[GMT+8].

We have around 200 people in ND, and usually there will be around 2~40 in the battle field at the same time.

Currently, we’ve migrated from HOD to SOR, I believe that there’re fellows from SOR or CD&SOS have seen us showed up.

The reason for migrating is due to the power of HOD has been decreasing, and the whole server is not concentrating on the battle field.
We have nothing to do but look HOD dropped from T1.

Besides, we’ve through the pain procedures, nearly like a torture.

After a deep consideration, I decided to bring ND to SOR.

After our migration, there might be other guilds in Taiwan like CRS, DNS, and BV from HOD follow up to SOR.

There might be another guild KUSO coming up, not sure about it at the moment.

Overall, what I wanna expressed is that, we’re all from the guilds in Taiwan. We hope that our battle experiences in HOD are able to help SOR, till we get T1.

Thanks in advance to every fellows in SOR, sincerely.

*this is the translations from my friend, my english is not that fluent.
*if I’m not responding in the battle field, it might be the technical problems on my English abilities or I’m striving in team battles.
*if you are willinig to contact ND, please PM to Laezax or Oxmomo or Fectar or devillin. They have better English abilities than me.

[ND]Fate Yaiba
“Even though we’re not the strongest guild, we will be the most united guild.”