Showing Posts For Yage.6784:

4/19 DB/MAG/YB

in WvW

Posted by: Yage.6784


I don’t know wat all the fuzz is about, i think it’s great that you guys let [Re] lead the server to victory.

Don’t be so humble. [PYRO] also played it’s part in DB’s victory.

4/5 Dragonbrand - Yak's Bend - Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Yage.6784


Maguumas NA is T2/T3.
Maguumas SEA is T4/T5

This is where the problem lies.

If DB think they have it hard during NA timezone they should try being on MAG during SEA.

DB doesn’t “have it hard” at any time vs. Maguuma. Occasionally they manage to gain a moderate point lead for an hour or two. And they point to that and say, “look look! If if , but but, QQ!”

4/5 Dragonbrand - Yak's Bend - Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Yage.6784


Tl;dr: your NA population is fine, just utilize it better.

Nice try, troll.

Better luck next week.