Showing Posts For YanOtt.5468:
I have this bug too. Mesmer is died quikly on small square. Endless summon of allies plus poison cloud killed them quicker.
I’m killed last Veteran in this quest from 6 attempt, and what? Bugged quest. Amazing.
(edited by YanOtt.5468)
Mesmer stackable traits isn’t work. It’s bug or nerf?
Early 9 major traits in Dueling “Reduces the recharge of pistol skills by 20%” stackable with 5 point in Illusions (Illusionists Celerity) “Illusion-summoning skills recharge 20% faster.”
It make time respawn Phantasmal Duelist recharge skill for gun less than 13s.
Now 16s respawn Phantasmal Duelist regardless of 9 major traits in Dueling.