Showing Posts For Yelenia Elegy.1320:

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yelenia Elegy.1320

Yelenia Elegy.1320

If you want to play with your EU friends you can always transfer to an EU server, and then back to a NA server to play with them.

That is what I was doing – but now we will have to pay for that…!

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yelenia Elegy.1320

Yelenia Elegy.1320

Just a thought; if US / EU traffic is feared because huge, maybe guesting could be limited to guild buddies?
That way, if in the same guild, guesting US/EUcould be possible, and the amount of traffic maybe more predictable?

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yelenia Elegy.1320

Yelenia Elegy.1320

Some people simply are never happy. Why we continue to allow them to post and fill the forums with endless QQing is beyond me. There’s a reason why the gaming community considers the GW2 forums to be one of the worst, and this is why. No praise, no thanks, no gratitude, just endless complaining.

Well, I understand this point – the game is awesome and I love it, that could be said before protesting.

However GW1 was better in term of allowing people to play together, so it is even more missed in GW2 – missed, and sad, at least for the people like me who would enjoy so much playing again with GW1 friends. So far I was changing server to go play with them once in a while.
Thing is, if I stop representing their guild when I eventually make friends on my server and join their guild, I won’t even have the possibility to be part of the guild chat channel and talk to them IG easily (pv is not the same).
So, more than angry protestation, it is disappointment – and a bit of sadness – that makes me post here and complain about this update. I just don’t understand, at the Age of Internet, that we encounter such restrictions.

Thank you Anet for all the hard work, but, WHY? At least, explain why these restrictions.

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yelenia Elegy.1320

Yelenia Elegy.1320

I am EXTREMELY disappointed with guesting how it is announced.
Not at all what we were promised.

In what year are we?? In an age of opening to the whole world, an age of people changing country easily, we can’t play with friends between US and EU? Really??
All my friends are in France, I am in the US. I bought the game thinking I could play with them. I can’t even share the guild upgrades, and now I can’t even play with them without paying gems? Really?
That clearly needs an upgrade.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yelenia Elegy.1320

Yelenia Elegy.1320

I also would really like changes in the Guild system. I know they have been mentioned previously, but I feel like adding my voice in it would help getting things changed for the best! This won’t affect people who don’t care about it (ie have all members on the same server).

1) I have been playing for 7 years with friends (including Guild Wars 1), but now I live in the US (they live in France) and therefore play on different servers. The way guilds are set up now makes interaction with them very hard and we are very frustrated (no access, for me, to storage and upgrades). I understand the concept of separating Guild influences by servers, but as long as I am representing a guild I feel like I should have access to storage and upgrades. I would have stayed on EU server if I could have, but if I do I am basically alone on a map when I play which kind of making the game pointless (no possibility to succeed any event).

2) It would be good to be able to share a guild chat channel even when not representing. Maybe the access to it could be decided by the Guild leader.