Showing Posts For YellowGoudvis.2960:
Does seem it is still broken, or broken again.. Did it twice today, neither time I got the achievement..
Yeah good question, cause i just trew away 2 hours of life to get that achievment.. thank you VERY much anet……
Details about the Guild Wars 2 First Birthday Gift
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: YellowGoudvis.2960
I am very annoyed, I came back to Guild Wars because of an email advertising the new “clockwork” stuff… and being away I decided to delete my original toon.
Spent about $40 on gems to buy some new stuff… then I discover its not account but character. So no Birthday gift for me.
I feel my account being a year old should be good enough personally.
So please forward this who it might concern, you lost a paying a customer…
I totaly agree with you here.