Showing Posts For Ysanne.9734:

rangers and botting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ysanne.9734


this topic been ongoing since gw2 went live. Im a ranger that uses a brown bear; I sometimes use this toon as farming and WvW. Anytime i get a whisper from another player they are seeing if Im a bot or not. To me its ok ill whisper you right back to comfirm Im not a botter. To any new player that goes with ranger class if a person whispers you respond back to them; this will save you alot of issues by not getting banned and dealing with Anet support to get your account unbanned. To any player that doesnt know if a ranger is a bot or not; whisper them first instead of just assuming every ranger is a bot and automatically report them as bots cause they are rangers. Rangers are a great class to play; to bad these coachroaches-gold sellers uses rangers as botters.

Master carving achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ysanne.9734


PPL reading this if u have completed master carving achievement. you should check if it was reset to 0; few ppl including myself achievement was reset back to 0 cause of this patch today. it can be found in festival event section of achievements

Master Carver Achievement reset back to 0 !!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ysanne.9734


this is a bunch of bull spent hours to get that achievement to hell with other ppl if they didnt get it. Anet stopping giving in to whiners who didnt get that master carving achievement

teleport hack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ysanne.9734


Its frustrating that I as a player working,fighting and sometimes dieing to get to a WP,POI or SP and others are cheating to get there. On many occassions have seen other players been teleporting to a poi without even trying to get there then teleporting out right away before being attacked from mobs in areas. Trying to get the players names are next to impossible to write down; they’re there one moment then there not for to report them. Im not sure Anet is aware of this problem: its getting me angry to see lazy players who likes to cheat,exploit and hack there way through a game cause they find a game to hard to play like normal players.