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Okay. We get it. GW2 is not what you expected.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yssta.8345


Hopefully your personal opinion will make up for lost revenue due to poor design, lack of testing and kneejerk implementation. Actually, hopefully it won’t, so that game companies will be encouraged to finish a game before selling it and advertising the game they are selling as opposed to the one they believe their fans want to play.

There’s no monthly fee. If you don’t like it, you don’t have any reason to keep playing other than the people you play with.

I’m not quite sure why you stay if you have such problems with it and yet can’t handle it not being perfect. ArenaNet was incredibly transparent with their development process. Why are you mad that you got exactly what was advertised?

believe their fans want to play.

believe their fans want to play.

believe their fans want to play.

after the dungeon nerfs this game has become nothing but a “game on the side” for me. There’s nothing else for me to do atm. There are too many bugs for me to complete everything, and access my own main characters potential as well as other professions.

I refer you to

Your complaining is falling on deaf ears. There are plenty of things to do. Try them.

Sure, there aren’t raids for you to do when you’re max level. But there are other things to do. Guild Wars 2 does not follow your traditional endgame formula of gearing up for Raids through dungeons and lower raiding tiers and then clearing content. This was something they told us from day 1. Guild Wars endgame is about sPvP, World vs. World, Dungeons, and World Events. We knew this.

I honestly cannot fathom why you feel like your complaints are valid if they’re not explicitly related to bugs. We all knew what we were getting when we purchased this game. Where were you on that?

(edited by Yssta.8345)

Okay. We get it. GW2 is not what you expected.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yssta.8345


We really do. Guild Wars 2 was not what you expected. You were hoping for more. You’re disappointed. Disillusioned.


But you know what? That’s your own fault. Not ArenaNet’s. Not NCSoft’s. Yours. It’s your fault for ignoring the advertising and publicity that was so lovingly crafted to showcase this game. It’s your fault for refusing the opportunities to educate yourself as to what Guild Wars 2 actually was before you played it. You were the one that created this image in your head of what you wanted Guild Wars 2 to be.

And guess what? It didn’t end up being your perfect game—your “WoW-Killer.” You’ve experienced this pattern before; it’s happened with every other MMORPG you’ve played in the last seven years. You shouldn’t be surprised that it wasn’t what you thought.

Guild Wars 2 is not perfect. And it will never be perfect. It has it’s flaws. We’ve all encountered bugs and things that frustrated us. But a lot of the problems we’re having aren’t stemming from the game, but come from our own attitudes. We can’t expect the game to be what it isn’t. We can help it forward, but there is no point in getting mad because something isn’t how you wanted it to be. That is a childish behavior. That may have gotten you somewhere with your parents when you were younger, and you may have never grown out of it. You can’t be blamed for that. It’s just a fact of life. But it still doesn’t help any of us. The sooner we can all accept that, the sooner we can move this community in a direction where we might actually be productive. An MMO is nothing without it’s community. We make it the game that it is. Oh, of course the people who made the game “made it.” But we, as players, populate the world. Without us, it is empty. Barren.

We all had dreams of what we wanted Guild Wars 2 to be. If we ever want Guild Wars 2 to be that game, we have to take a hand in moving it forward. Before you cry that something is broken, stop and think. Maybe you can save someone some time by finding a solution on your own. Before you moan that your class is underpowered and that whatever is killing you is massively overtuned, take some time and look it up. Maybe there was something you didn’t think of.

Don’t let this game fall into the trap that so many other games have fallen into. Let our community be a community of people. Not just players in a game, but residents in an online world. We, just the same as anyone else, can make a lasting contribution.

What can you offer?

The Skill Cap of Guild Wars 2 PVP and the Implications

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


Nice. I agree with just about everything you said. As a matter of fact, I had a lot of these same thoughts myself over the past week or so but had none of the inclination to write it all up into such a detailed post.

One of my main concerns with the current state of tournament play is that a lot of people took the idea that seems to pervade the community that “every spec is viable,” and choose to play what they want instead of a build that would synergize with their team comp and work effectively to do more than just pure damage. Chief example: Rangers and Thieves. Currently, they can offer decent utility and damage with certain specs, but most opt for pure damage instead of a more viable solution that benefits the whole. Condition rangers with a condition-spread-tank Necromancer are a perfect example of what I mean. They’re far more effective when together than alone, but add very little to the team comp as a whole unless the team is running a very specific composition.

While I understand that you can’t expect the average player to have an understanding of teamwork and class synergy, I do find it worrisome that so many of the players seem to completely ignore that it exists.

(edited by Yssta.8345)

Veteran pvper's problems in GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


The only thing I really agree with here is that they could improve the responsiveness of animations.


in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


What this thread amounts to is:

“I chose to ignore all advertising and opportunities to educate myself about the game and instead chose to naively hope that the game would come out exactly as I wished. When it didn’t, I was incredibly disappointed and voiced my displeasure on the forums.”


An opinion: sPvP is unfair at moment

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


Moa Bird Balance (Mesmer Elite)

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


I was afraid of this.

People, this isn’t a thread crying that the ability is broken. It’s a thread saying that it needs mild tweaking to be more fun (for the Mesmer, as well).

Moa Bird Balance (Mesmer Elite)

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


Bump for more input.

Moa Bird Balance (Mesmer Elite)

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


The problem with crying about moa is if your going to talk about serious spvp, Time Warp is a much stronger Elite skill for Mesmer. Nobody is going to use a 10 second daze on one guy when they could have 10 seconds of haste for several members of their team.

Also a 4 minute cooldown on a move that can be blocked, dodged, LoSed, interrupted ect makes it feel pretty balanced.

The cooldown and the ability to avoid it is balanced, but the problem is that they’re able to press one button and remove someone from a fight entirely OR do nothing at all.

It’s way too much of a hit or miss elite, and time warp is so much better in my opinion as well, so I agree with you there. Also, I’m not really crying about it, I just feel like it needs some retooling to be more fun.

I have a solution, when someone is in moa form increase their toughness by a insane amount. That way its only used purely for CC.

That or health regen. Good idea. I’ll toss that in the OP.

Moa Bird Balance (Mesmer Elite)

in PvP

Posted by: Yssta.8345


The Moa Transformation Elite Skill that the Mesmer profession has is a fun, interesting skill, but at the moment it is far too powerful in competitive play. The way it is right now, a Mesmer can completely dominate a teamfight (not to mention any 1v1) with a single cast. As some have said, it’s an “I-Win Button.” That’s not balanced, and the reward for using it is far too high for the amount of effort it takes to use. The main problem isn’t just that it completely takes someone out of a fight, but that it allows the other team time to completely take the polymorphed player down with no cooldowns or combinations at all. It would be one thing if it was something that allowed players to burst someone down, but that’s not even necessary.

Yes, I’m aware that you can block it with Aegis and other block abilities. However, a fight with a Mesmer completely centers around tricking the use of it. If you can negate it, it’s a fairly easy fight (unless the Mesmer is god-tier), but if you can’t it’s pretty much over. That doesn’t make for interesting play.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the ability is awesome. It’s hilarious when someone suddenly turns into a giant bird. Regardless, it needs some tweaks.

The current main issues facing the spell are the following:

1. It is not dispellable.
2. It does not break on damage.
3. It lasts 10 seconds.

Assuaging any these issues would go incredibly far towards balancing the class in competitive tournament play.

Here are my suggestions:

A. Make the ability dispellable and make it end after 5000 damage is taken in the form.

B. Keep the current mechanics, but change the duration to 5 seconds.

Alternate Suggestions:

C. Increase the toughness of those in Moa form (i.e. by 500) or increase their health regeneration by a substantial amount to make it used more for CC purposes.

If you go with the former suggestion, it still allows for the Mesmer to be incredibly dominant in 1v1 situations, and allows them an incredible amount of breathing room to heal up or do whatever they need to do. If you take the latter suggestion, it still allows the ability to be incredibly strong in teamfights (which Mesmers are more lacking in), but negates a lot of the issues surrounding the Moa in a 1v1 situation.

All criticism is welcome, but keep it constructive. Thanks for your time.

(edited by Yssta.8345)