Showing Posts For Yuukice.2651:

Advice requested: Ranger vs Engineer

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Confirmed, it was a Grenade Engineer – I may have to trait into Empa bond as I really want to find a way to counter this build xD. He utilized both the grenade kit and tool kit, that is a very dangerous combo, long range and close range ;o

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Advice requested: Ranger vs Engineer

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Hi all, Day 1 Ranger here <333. Im an avid spvp and wvw’er and am running a BM/regen ranger as my roamer.

So recently I’ve noticed a particularly difficult class for myself to beat lately, Engineer. As it stands, I can defeat almost every class, even engineer, however there is a certain type of engineer build i’ve been having trouble with.

They use the healing turret thing as their main heals, i can see they use the tool set for confusion etc. I started playing engineer to understand this combination and unless i’m doing something wrong, it doesnt seem that threatening ;o. Anyone else having this difficulty and how do you deal with it to come out as victor? Share your experience.


Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

I want Rox's pet Frostbite :c

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


That baby Devourer, Frostbite is sooo cute >D

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Daily Achievement bugged - did not reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


As the title says. I still have the same achievements from yesterday’s daily and when i attempt to redo, it would not update the % completion. I checked with a friend and they said there is a completely new daily today from what i have.


Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Hydrangea is a flower.

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


“Lowrahk Mori” – I rate it a 6/10

I have two sylvaris myself:

Hydrangeas – Sylvari Elementalist
Yuukice – Sylvari Ranger

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Cash On Delivery (COD) system

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Not sure if this has been suggested/brought up, but I thought it would be a convenient way to eliminate any kind of player to player transaction scam via mail. Simply it’s a COD system in which if you are selling an item to a player, you can affix a value to an item you are sending and that the receiving party may acquire it only if they can pay the price on the item. If however they do not have the money within an allotted amount of time, the item will be then returned to the sender.

If this has been brought up sorry and you may close the post xD but thanks for reading.

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


lol read the conversations if you can see it on the pics above

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Vizunah spy caught :-p – name is Pramac from the GN guild.


Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Last i checked this was titled Desolation Battle report, not Vizunastone or Arbor Square thread, kthxbye <3

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: Yuukice.2651


Is there a hate forum for the nightcappers on Vizunah and Arborstone too? I feel discriminated against QQ, I need to go to a nightcappers anonymous from the other T1 servers and see if they have to put up with some many whiners too. BTW I give props to Blacktide – atleast they embraced the idea of nightcappers and instead of complaining they are recruiting actively in the NA servers to leverage and make their own server more competitive. FYI guys, nightcapping is not frowned upon by Anet, no one owns the game, they do. If you want to win, start balancing out your own servers and stop QQ’ing about others. You might actually like a little more cultural exchange with more NA in your life, otherwise tough, move on with your life, stop QQ’ing on forums – kthxbye <3

Ruin Guild: lvl 80 THF/MES/RNG/WAR/ENG – main character: Yuukice ^.~