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Zone chest bug?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Zackilicious.7816


I was doing tribulation World 1 – Zone 1 with a friend and we killed the boss of that zone.

As soon as he opened the chest we both got instantly teleported to the next zone, leaving me with no reward.

Any chance I can do something about this without replaying the entire zone?

(edited by Zackilicious.7816)

Elementalists and Sigil of Hydromancy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zackilicious.7816


Any time you conjure a weapon while in combat and using this sigil (when its effect is not on cooldown), you lose your conjure instantly.

-Equip a Sigil oh Hydromancy on one of your weapons (I’ve only tried this with the Superior one).
-Enter combat.
-Cast Conjure Frost Bow.

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Zackilicious.7816


I did some testing with Spider venom, Devourer venom and Basilisk venom.

Shadow Shot (3 dagger/pistol) consumes a venom charge without applying the venom. This is extra bad when using Basilisk Venom as you can’t even initiate with shadow shot, as it goes to waste.

Extra stuff with venoms:
Steal – Same thing, wastes a charge, doesn’t apply.
Trick Shot (shortbow 1) – Seems to apply most venoms on all targets hit, but only consuming one charge.
Cluster Bomb (shortbow 2)- Consumes random number of charges, does not apply effects.
Choking Gas (shortbow 4)- Consumes 3 charges of a venom per use, but does not apply anything either.
Infiltrator’s Arrow (shortbow 5) – Consumes 2 charges, does not apply effects.
Unload (pistol/pistol 3) – Basilisk Venom uses the charge, but does not apply.
Black Powder (5 pistol) – Consumes a venom charge without applying anything.
Dancing Dagger (4 dagger) – Applies venom to all targets hit only consuming one charge. If the primary target is hit twice the venom applies twice (Does not happen with Basilisk Venom)

Devourer Venom and Basilisk Venom don’t seem to stack with themselves (duration gets reset every time it gets applied, instead of stacking).

All venoms are also lost on attacking thin air. Wouldn’t it be better if charges were lost on hit/block/dodges only?

Shine of Balthazaar - Straights of devastation.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zackilicious.7816


Stuck in Aurora Glade as well.

Guild Tag on Minions/Pets

in PvP

Posted by: Zackilicious.7816


Oh god yes.

Nothing worse than encountering 2 mass-minion necromancers and suddenly you don’t even know who you are due to the amount of text on the screen.