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HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zagreus.8509


It does seem a little pricey, I’ll wait till it releases and see how much content it actually has :P.

Content has always been GW2’s problem at launch it was great, but it has had nothing new added to it in 3 years. There should be an expansion every year/18 months at max and by now we should be getting close to a new continent either Cantha or Elona, and already have a new class with this current one being the second.

The whole reason that players left and stopped playing myself included the content ran out and new stuff was never added. Which then means they lose players = less gem sales, no one recommends the game to their friends = no box sales then finally you go F2P to hopefully generate more gem sales. Problem is most people that play F2P have no money for gems which is why they are F2P in the first place.

There’s so much wrong with this post, I don’t even know where to begin. Way to generalize. lol

Edit: The fact is, once you said nothing has been added, you’ve lost any credibility you might have had. Now you might not like the stuff that was added, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there. And some of it was temporary but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.

And then believing most people feel like you do is just confirmation bias. You really don’t know how many people like it or don’t. Nor do you know how many people stayed or left. Until the expansion push, we were getting content releases and there was only minor rumbling on the forums about the pace.

Be realistic mate.

This game has remained largely unchanged in 3 years. I don’t know if you played at launch but I can tell you that this game has a fraction of the players it once had, fact.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zagreus.8509


It does seem a little pricey, I’ll wait till it releases and see how much content it actually has :P.

Content has always been GW2’s problem at launch it was great, but it has had nothing new added to it in 3 years. There should be an expansion every year/18 months at max and by now we should be getting close to a new continent either Cantha or Elona, and already have a new class with this current one being the second.

The whole reason that players left and stopped playing myself included the content ran out and new stuff was never added. Which then means they lose players = less gem sales, no one recommends the game to their friends = no box sales then finally you go F2P to hopefully generate more gem sales. Problem is most people that play F2P have no money for gems which is why they are F2P in the first place.