Showing Posts For Zahrah Rosa.8597:
I can see how letting people gift the gems themselves could be problematic but I do think that it should be possible to purchase TP items and mail them to friends as gifts.
SBI is a great server. Friendly people who will answer your questions, kill with you, revive you. Good sized groups for large scale PvE events and serious WvW determination even in the face of unbalanced numbers and culling over the last few weeks.
I think paid servers are really going to offer SBI’s balanced player base the stability in WvW to match our already stable and friendly PvE base. Because we are balanced I think the risk of our server dying because of WvW drama is low.
Those servers currently being packed with a high percentage of bandwagoners looking for WvW dominance will see a lot of burn out and rage quitting if they don’t continue to hold their own.
This game is called Guild Wars after all and guilds do best when there is stability in which to form friendships and collaborate.
I agree with this. Each major city should be free to transport to. I am one of the people who has to go through 8 minutes of loading screens to make the WvW-LA-Portals-Destination move. Now, if I had 5 hours a day to play the game that wouldn’t be a big deal but many days I am trying to get the most I can out of 45 minutes and that means I don’t have a lot of time to make money and I do need to get places quickly if I want to be with my guild mates.
I think instanced is the way to go as well but not an instance that you can only take party members to.
I am imagining a guild hall portal in every major city that will whisk you away to the guild hall of whichever guild you are representing. You can bring non guild members in by having them in your party (that will also prevent trolls from coming to your guild land just to be obnoxious).
The guild hall and homes will be furnishable with things that can be used, chairs, tables, beds, fireplaces, etc.
There will be a variety of guild hall models but the terrain surrounding it will be a standard model. It will be large (so there is minimal fighting over house building location), have pre-set building sites (on which you can pivot your home 360) and be surrounded by a a variety of terrains, a snowy mountainous area going down into a deep forest with a river running through it until it turns into a waterfall that leads to a green valley with wildflowers, bees and brooks. A barren, rocky place with a fissure that lava bubbles out of, a large cave, a small sea, etc. There will be a waypoint in each major terrain area to facilitate getting home fast.
Everyone in the guild can build their homes in the areas outside the guild hall (guild leaders will have a permissions box they can check to determine which ranks can build on the guild land) but just as we have light, medium and heavy armor attached to professions there will be restrictions on what kind of home you can build depending on the location so in the snowy mountains there would be say, 5 possible base models. You can build more Norn looking homes and have furs draped all over, build a snow burrow home, a cabin, etc. In the grassy areas sylvari homes or human settlements, etc (so it doesn’t look hideous).
Exterior customization could be as simple as a blueprint page (like character creation) where you can scroll through different options for model, roofing material, chimney, door, number of stories, color and then once you settle on it a foundation appears on your building plot and you can start gathering the materials for it..for example a slate roof could require ore whereas a mat one could require plant fibers, etc. so a house requires a lot of gathering but anyone should be able to “craft” it once they have the materials. Once the home is crafted very bare bones versions of necessary furniture appear but players will want to switch them out for nicer ones.
While exterior model and appearance will be fairly standard for aesthetic reasons the interior layout and decor of homes should be more customizable.
The soft furnishings could be incorporated into existing professions (tailor/leatherworker) as could decorative items (artificer/jeweler), furniture (huntsman/weaponsmith/armorsmith) and more foods to serve guests or display (cook).
I would be fine with a certain number of gems to unlock housing but not rent. Crafted furnishings should be something that players can sell on TP. Special furnishings available for gems would be fine as well.
Each guild can host one “open house” a year that will be accessible from a point in every major city and allow others to visit their land and enjoy guild sponsored activities or refreshments.
Ok…I’ve had my flight of fancy.
I agree, the mail suppression is a pain if you are trying to run guild events with prizes or send treats.
If you don’t want to loosen up the mail 2 things would be great:
1) Create an in-person trade option like GW1 had in addition to mail for in-person transactions.
2) Create a blanket messaging feature where guild leaders can send a message to everyone in the guild via mail.
I agree that for the Sylvari race in particular it is jolting to see yourself fighting through the nightmare in human clothing and then have it reissued to you once you get out. Makes it seem like you have a problem because you can’t grow your armor the proper way for Sylvari. Not that I don’t think Sylvari should be able to wear standard armors if they like but I feel that the default should be racial armor and then it’s unique if a Sylvari chooses to wear human armor.
We have the deposit only option set up but aside from setting some kind of donation requirement (boo) or sending out constant reminders there is no easy way to get regular donations from more than a small number of total guild members.
I don’t like the idea of a guild imposed tax but I do like Sparhawk’s idea to make donations easy by allowing us to set a percentage of our monetary rewards or a fixed amount that goes to the guild vault/bank. The guild bank is just not an efficient way to collect monetary donations for guild use. Even if members do remember to donate handing over a gold is painful but a few copper from every drop over the course of weeks painlessly accomplishes the same thing.