Showing Posts For Zaily.4056:

No ladder, no MM = people leaving the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zaily.4056


Seems I started a big thread here..
I just wanted devs to know, that there is still lot of people who love the game, but every day we don’t hear any info like – “the things You want for e-sport are comming soon guys”, people are loosing hope and with lost hope for competitive PvP, they don’t have many reasons to play the game.. My friends just tell me how bored they are from the stomp or be stomped kind of tournaments…
We need to play against equally skilled enemies, We would love to rent a private server to host some tourney on it within our fansite, we would love to see observer implemented to see the top guilds in action (and to recognize who the top guilds currently are, we need the ladder). With the ladder comes the sense of progression for every team and that itself is a huge part of any game.. Please just think about it. We really like the combat and PvP style of Your game, but we need things that help us enjoy playing with these great systems..

(edited by Zaily.4056)

No ladder, no MM = people leaving the game

in PvP

Posted by: Zaily.4056


This is kind of whining post about the features that are so badly needed for the game so it wont die.. If You don’t like complaining about obviously needed stuff, that is not beying delivered to us, dont read

Just wanted You to know, that every second day some of my friends tell me, they are getting bored with all the same tPvP matches, where there is no ladder and MM thing.. You just stomp or get stomped all over, You almost never know how good you are and how good the enemy was..
There is no reason to win games after You got all the stuff to wear.. You might say – play to get better, but what is it for?
We dont see any perspective in the tPvP right now, without ladder, custom tournaments and observer mode, there is nothing that makes other succesfull PvP games good.. (You might say, there is QP ladder, but that is only for few chosen ones, we liked in GW1, that we were more like part of PvP community with ladder, started playing somewhere around rank 300 and we made it to TOP100, that was our achievment, coz we were never been able to finish in TOP10..) but here, those guilds like us have no goal to play for..

PvPers need their spectator audience and their rank to be shown somewhere, so that they are recognized amongst other players and most of all we need custom tournaments if nothing else, so at least fan sites can do some kind of ladder things if ANET is not capable to give it us months after release..

Every patch makes us more sad, coz there is ton of PvE things, and little to zero PvP updates(at least those people want) .. and I’m really sad, coz my guildies are already thinking of not playing this game anymore, our community already lost few of very good guilds because of the state of the game, and every week we are loosing some others…

Please do something ANET…

(edited by Zaily.4056)

Jealous of the PVE Royal Treatment

in PvP

Posted by: Zaily.4056


If it was a sub based game I’d agree with you. However the PvE and to a lesser extent W3 community is where ANet is getting their money via gem store. The SPvP community just by it’s very nature spends far far far less money.

Money = power.

Well PvP players dont have anything to spend money for in the store – If they added something that makes u different in PvP (like guys said – dyes shown during matches, unique item skins, custom servers-i mean sooner than “When its done in another 1/2 year”), me and a lot of people who I know would spend a lot of money for it too..