Showing Posts For Zakrato.1098:

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zakrato.1098


mm im having quite an enjoyable time reading these roleplaying rants. please go on.

I had more enjoyment about your rant on Legendary items being “Cosmetic only”

This however, as part of the post is supposed to be, am inclined to agree with the outfits mishaps.

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zakrato.1098


Time to sing campfire songs people. Altogether now..

The Campptown ladies sing this song,
Doo-da, Doo-da
The Camptown racetrack’s five miles long
Oh, de doo-da day

OOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooohhh ship a hoy to the Reach my friends! Carry on to the days of the sunshine and rain! And-I-never-ever-do-a-thing-about-the-weather-cause-the-weather-never-ever-does-a-thing-for-me!

Login server down free trial?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zakrato.1098


Was farming and got booted. yep. “You do not have privilages to login.”

“Your trial account has expired.”

Cleric's Ascended Gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zakrato.1098


Yep. I agree on this one too lol. If over anything just do the ascended back pieces aswell. Least I have something to work on at the moment until then. But Clerical ascended back pieces is a yes please.

Craftable Breathers. Not just adding cleric breathers mind you but having craftable ones would be very nice.

Cleric's Ascended Gear

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zakrato.1098


I agree. My Guardian is built off from pure healing/toughness spec which uses the Clerics. I know the legendaries didnt house these stats which I understand. Alot of them are for offensives. However on an amulet and ring I would suspect to have something strictly for the Cleric type build rather then the +40 to all stats. Which the healing and tough is 64/48.

Some would say go with the +40 because it has all the stats. But I need the healing for dungeons and pvp. its a -24 loss per item. But if this applies to the rest of the gear down the road?