Showing Posts For Zaltys.7649:
When someone asks something in map chat, it will normally be answered in a very helpful manner. Especially in starting areas you also often see something like “join my group, I’ll show you…”.
Everywhere except in Heart of Thorns areas, and the same will likely apply to PoF. From what I’ve seen, the difficulty increase directly correlates with player helpfulness: once things get though, it’s every man for themselves.
For example, you can always count on someone to revive fallen players in lower level areas or stop and help if someone’s having trouble with a battle. That doesn’t happen much in Maguuma, everyone just runs by, myself included. No time to stop and help anyone and no time to answer questions in chat either, too busy avoiding mobs and navigating the terrain.
(edited by Zaltys.7649)
I’ve got two male and three female characters.
I haven’t tried every combo, but I tend to like the female voice acting and animations more. Couldn’t imagine having a Norn male as my main, for instance.
I’m assuming the people complaining about the difficulty of solo instances never played video games in the 80’s and 90’s…
This made me laugh, but it’s true, games used to be much less forgiving.
Mostly because most kids were only able to afford one game every month, so they had to last.
Then the gaming industry grew out of that. As did most of the players. Most of them are too old now to play such games, what with eyesight and reaction times getting poorer with every passing year.
GW is notable for being solo-friendly, a rarity among non-kiddy MMORPGs. Would be a shame to see it become yet another generic MMO, there’s more than enough of those already. But that’s probably unavoidable, since casual players rarely visit forums or otherwise voice their opinions.
Not sure if it’s actually that hard or if it was simply because I was playing a class that I haven’t played in a long while, but PoF story opening completely murdered me, over and over. Gonna feel bad for newbies who boost to level 80, and think they can cope there.
(edited by Zaltys.7649)
Either add the dailies to the map, or add a search filter for the map.
…I still have difficult time finding certain zones. “Dredgehaunt Cliffs? Which one was that, again? One of the many snowy zones that all look the same on the map?”
Then I end up spending several minutes scrolling the map around, and finally give up and look it up on the wiki.
And don’t get me started on trying to find the daily jumping puzzles. The names are hardly helpful in finding those.
(edited by Zaltys.7649)
1) Move ‘Deposit all’ and ‘Compact’ to their own inventory buttons, or add hotkeys for them.
It’s just one extra click, but considering how often some of us use it, it’s thousands of extra clicks over time. And the gear can be hard to spot when there are multiple open windows.
2) In market filter, allow filtering out dyes that we already own.
(edited by Zaltys.7649)