Showing Posts For Zarthias.3501:
Are you sure you’re not in stealth? Lately I’ve noticed that the stealth graphics wont go off a good portion of the time when i stealth with my thief but looking at my buffs, I am indeed in stealth. It threw me for a loop at first, I would end up revealing my self because I thought I hadn’t stealthed when I had.
Just make sure you’re paying closer attention to whether or not you have the stealth buff.
It doesn’t seem like that’s the problem, because people just keep shooting me, but I guess it’s plausible I’m revealing myself because It didn’t work so i try something else.
You might be in stealth and someone still be able find and kill you, this is how condition necro’s marks work against glass cannons.
I’m not a glass cannon, I’m a bleed build. I also have condition removal. The stealth isn’t working.
it’s really making me mad. no people keep shooting me, so it’s not a graphic issue. it’s causing me to die about 40x more than usual. If this is some sort of stealth patch. they need to start paying my repair bills.
I play a thief, and not a “lol i’m immortal because I abuse invisibility” thief. A pistol/dagger survival/bleed thief. I’m not a cheap 1 hit wonder. Today I have been non-stop “failing” to stealth. I use the move, nothing happens. I didn’t have the cd on, it just didn’t work. at all. Is this some bullkitten ghost patch? It’s not funny whatever it is. Class broken basically. I can’t get away from people, I cant stack bleeds fast. I just get to die because stealth won’t work 1/2 the time. bravo.
Am I the only person who won’t gang hump people? If someone’s fighting 3v1 odds, I don’t make it 4v1. I bring this up because I’m pretty sure I’m the only person NOT running around in a zerg on my server right now. After about 20 minutes I never seen anything less than 10 man groups running across the map trying to kill me. Really? That’s not fun to me, but maybe I’m the freak of nature here. Anybody else?
After 1v1 a few times in and out of party. I can confirm he is not cheating, his build is just OP. 1) the attacking from stealth without breaking it is confirmed as slow loading in time, he can be tabbed to, but has no character model or name/healthbar. 2) I was unaware the condition removal in stealth took ALL conditions off per tick, that is why he wasn’t bleeding out at all. 3) he can stay in stealth for a very long time, making it appear he has left. 4) there’s a small almost invisible circle he puts on the floor that spams blind on people, which is why he can’t be hit.
lohanna. 1v1 me? I want to see you do this without all the mess of everyone else. I wanna be able to really focus on this to see exactly what is happening. Because I still say something wonkey is going on here. Maybe this build seriously abuses the loading in problem? As I said, you were attacking people without being seen at all, even for a split second. 0% chance to fight back for about 1/2 the fight, and only 1/8th second windows in which you weren’t hitable.
There’s a difference in using a speed hack and using Heartseeker repeatedly for 5 times in a row to go over a large distance.
I use it as a speed up.
Not to say there aren’t people speed hacking. I had to go up against some baddie in the keg brawl.
I and others reported him. One took a video as well of him speed hacking.
Yeah I’ve used dual daggers before as well. I know the difference between dashing across and being 400 yards away in .25 seconds.
You ARE the thief I was fighting. let me tell you what I seen. 1) attacking while in stealth without breaking it. 2) being out of stealth for 1/8th of a second tops every 5 or so seconds, and unhitable while out. 3) aoe where you were did nothing because the second you went invisible you were unhitable, no longer there. If you’re truly not hacking, then there’s a severe glitch going on. Everyone on my team that fought you said “lol scrub still died with extreme exploits” or something of that sorts. I am going to log in right now and try this build against a friend, will post results of how “glitchy” I am in a few.
As for your comment about "unpopular build, it’s quote "OP"" maybe that’s because this playerbase isn’t so shallow and boring that they only have fun when they have an extreme advantage? Just maybe it’s more fun to beat people 5v2 due to skill and knowing how to play your character as apposed to “lol I have godmode on so i win lol, I’m so cool.” food for thought.
Sadly he’s not doing anything wrong, this is Arena Nets problem, it’s tied in with the rendering issue that still lingers. If thiefs weren’t beloved they should hot fix a method where this is temporarily stopped because so many thiefs do it.
He was for sure speed hacking. that’s against rules.
Zarth, if in doubt report them. We on TC will report our own if/when we see it. Anet can see if its exploit or whatever and fix the problem. If its the thief build that does infact need fixing you can aoe .. watch for numbers popping up and stay on it. Sorry you had this experience from TC, we like to be known for our fair and fun playstyle and do not in any way support cheaters.
I did report him, as did other people. Keep an eye out for him. He was on your map in the south east.
Regrettably, that is actual (if dubious) use of game mechanics. There’s a very popular thief spec right now that does this using a possible bug in Cloak and Dagger’s mechanics to bypass the “revealed” debuff. If you have someone who can aoe fear, you can open him up to attack and for about six seconds but you will need a group to actually kill him.
That’s sad at best. I’ll stick to my pistol/dagger build. I don’t have to abuse mechanics to win, which I usually do. However he was for sure speed hacking, i stealthed and popped up a hill where I caught him zip across the ruins in the south in about .25 seconds. He didn’t know I could see him. That perma stealth needs fixed asap, and he should be banned for using a speeding hack on top of it. Forced into a regular build without his cheats he’d be a sitting duck.
How exactly is this build working? Maybe I can find a weakness of it within my build..
So has anybody else ran into the super bad cheating thief on TC? He is currently on tc’s map down in the south end. He’s in serenity of the moon. Speed hacks + exploiting stealth somehow. He has hardly any hp. he just runs around with dual daggers being immortal because you can’t hit him, and if you do, he speed zips out of combat to get hp then comes back 2 seconds later full again. It’s really pathetic.