Showing Posts For Zaxafel.5728:

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


All my objections against the downed state really come down to one point.. I need to stop pvp’ing… click F, get interupted, click F again.. and wait 2 seconds.. 5 seconds that could be better spent trying to kill the next enemy.. (And thats if I am in melee range.. lets not talk about the amount of time you need to waste if you want to finish of a downed player from a distance.. )

Downed State – It slows pvp down.. and slow pvp is bad pvp. (back to my original post, it ruins the “flow”)

but youre forgetting the cruicial part about it being a team effort, you shouldnt be the only person trying to finish off opponents, there should be a couple people doing that work to guarentee handing out a defeat
as i said in my earlier post that even when i got interupted there were other people planting the banners and finishing off the opponent but i was still getting credit, one reason i like running with premade groups is that you get people who understand that there is an objective beyond getting kills/defeating opponents
even playing a thief i dont just run around beating the kittens out of people, i actually go and cap points and such as well

Feeling discouraged

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


mesmers are awesome at high lvls, engineers are great support/ranged dps not to mention landmines and stuff
i think theyre fun and everyone that i know that has one loves them, id say keep your own council and dont delete them

over-powered vs underpowered classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


thief takes the cake with damage, but if you want the most annoying look at the mesmer, i got poly’d into a turkey and none of my cc breaks would clear it

Suggestion for autoloot in WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


shrug opinions vary, til they make looting different im happy with they way it is

Thief Sword/Dagger in PVP

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


anyone who just uses one ability is just asking to getkittenin pvp, utilizing poisons and shadowsteps not only makes you lethal but also puts your survivability through the roof.
as for the main topic i like both duel daggers and sword/dagger combo, personally i dont have a ranged setup but im more of a get in there, do work, get out kinda player

Suggestion for autoloot in WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


more realistic than that same magic bag of loot magically appearing in your inventory lol

PvP: y u no die?!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


one thing i did notice thats pretty awesome about the downed state is that if youre the person that put them in that state you get credit for the kill even if you arent the one to finish them.
noticed it last night when as a thief i was knocking people down left and right, and when id go to finish them id get interupted and somebody else would plant but i would still get the credit.

as for complaints about a downed player getting you down, you need to realize that when a person goes down they arent out. KEEP ON THEM!
keep moving and finish the job rather than getting sloppy and thinking “oh they fell down, next target please”

Suggestion for autoloot in WvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaxafel.5728


i donno, i think if you miss a drop then thats your fault
personally i like the realism that comes with this game, if somthing drops and you want it, pick it up, if you dont see it at first, oh well get your vision checked.