Showing Posts For Zeke.4593:

Best War Build for Raids

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeke.4593


Condi Berserker I think.

Call of the Mists?

in PvP

Posted by: Zeke.4593


Just because most people stick to the most common builds, it does not mean, that they are the only viable builds. And if your build is not viable (meaning your are crippling yourself of using it instead of a more suitable f.e. most pure signet builds), and still want to have some feeling of success, then you just need to change to odds in a different way f.e. outnumbering the opponents in WvW, or just playing against other unskilled players (f.e. Hotjoin or most players in WvW).
Why most players in WvW? Because similar to Hotjoin everyone can participate.

I know what are you trying to say (it’s still the same you said before). But i don’t think you get me. I will try to clear up what I meant. Most of the time now I’m playing thief so I will make explanation on him. In SPvP you can play let’s say 2 builds – D/P and S/D (if you wanna be really good). You simply can’t play D/D but not because it’s not viable build but because it’s not fitting conquest mode (namely SA trait). I still don’t understand why is only conquest here… Because I could imagine something like pure 5v5 tdm where more builds could be played. I’m not hating SPvP here. I just don’t like the fact that we have only one tournament mode here.

Call of the Mists?

in PvP

Posted by: Zeke.4593


I never play Spvp ( yea shoot me but its boring ). And yet i got this buff logging into WvW. Whats its purpose, lure more people into Spvp?

Yes, it is to lure more people into spvp.

and btw: I really don’t understand how someone can call WvW more interesting than SPvP. You probably got your kitten kicked in SPvP, and now you are playing WvW instead to get more uneven match-ups in which have a better chance to win

On your "btw"statement. I understand why ppl are calling WvW more interesting than SPvP. More space to work with, generally more things to do and what is realy important to me: wider builds usage! What i hate about SPvP is that you are determined to few builds per class and that’s wrong (I mean builds which are only useful in conquest not just bad builds) . If we would have more SPvP modes than just conquest… That would be great. Who can enjoy 2 years old same mode with same builds over and over again? Btw my best leaderboards rating in SPvP was something under 200 rank so i cannot agree i’ve got my butt kicked too much. I don’t even want to argue with you. I just feel that this is main reason why are people who play WvW (people who are finding small scale fights not zergers) finding SPvP boring. That’s it.