Showing Posts For Zeldias.9724:

Banners - Just because they are sparkly doesn't always mean pick it up

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeldias.9724


Every time I set my banner down near a group of people, I say to my friend “Someone’s gonna take thatkittenthing and run off with it,” and it happens as surely as night follows day. I don’t even exactly mind, but don’t pick it up in the middle of an event or something unless the fight is moving and you want to set it back down. Otherwise, you’re just reducing your usefulness in a fight and stealing my stuff.

Having a hard time with melee

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeldias.9724


I don’t find it too bad, but it is sometimes hard to see the target performing animations.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeldias.9724


It’s certainly not as brain dead as the WoW dungeons were, for sure. I actually had fun with it. I can see how it can be truly frustrating if everyone is doing the run for the first time, but I did AC story (which was a bit of a challenge), AC explorable (where I wound up gettingkitten twice), and CM story (which was hella easy).

It’s really not so bad. Be open to switching your utilities around. I use dual maces and a hammer as a warrior, so I focus on preventing enemies from attacking while beating them to death. It ultimately comes down to having everyone focus down the same targets, or having one or two people CC dangerous enemies while the main target is being brought down. Knowing when to rez and when not to and stuff like that. I can see how it’d be really punishing if you’re doing it blind, but I don’t think it’s so bad as to not be fun.

Also, I’m not sure I’d describe it as hard. It’s certainly punishing about mistakes, but I don’t think that’s the same as difficult.

The definition of "endgame" in Guild Wars 2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zeldias.9724


There’s PvP, and there’s no monthly fee. I don’t see a reason to have a repeatable endgame like in other MMOs if you’ve got healthy PvP (and RvR in WvWvW) and no subscription fees. The endgame that we’re accustomed to is more of a psychological trap to get us to keep shelling out 15 bucks, IMO. I hope that you do get something that’s a little more speed, just because I’d like everyone to be able to have fun, but at the same time, I don’t know if you’re desires align with the purported design goals of the game.