Showing Posts For Zendetta.2140:

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Guild Bounty Missions tonight at 8 Central! Meet at Cornucopian waypoint in Gendarran Fields (Just north of Lion’s Arch) to form groups!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


The applicant sent to us by the awesomeness that is Ravenkast has been accepted! We welcome Devona to Ravenkin!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


We received our first application from an applicant that became interested in us from our podcast today! We’d like to thank Zeli again for all of her hard work on the podcast. Remember to check it out when you get the chance. And good luck to the applicant!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Welcome, Faked! And also a big welcome to Wulfheir and Jim V!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Man, running around the Mad King’s Realm was so much fun with these guys. And now, we’re all voting on our real life Halloween Costume contest where 3 lucky people will win some awesome Ravenkin Merchandise! We’re also having an in-game ugly alternative character contest, where the winner(s) will receive awesome in-game prizes from member contributions to the Guild Stash (all yellow items and above!) Every day is a new adventure with Ravenkin, and even if you can’t stay on all the time, like many members, you can always come back and pick up the new trend easily. That, along with the friendly family-like characters who are always willing to help no matter how small or how large the task may be, THAT is why I am proud to call Ravenkin my home. Thanks so much, members, for all that you do.