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Why does Anet hate ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zep.5189


It seems like ranger can never be on top for very long. It would be nice to have the dps classes balanced somewhat consistently so that classes are not knocked out of the meta every patch.

I knew it was too good to be true when I saw that ranger actually had decent dps bench marks compared to other classes. After the last balance patch they took care of that though.

Op I feel your pain, but that’s how its always been for ranger.

(edited by Zep.5189)

Level 80 Stat Scaling Post Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zep.5189


I have put in a lot of time into gearing up my character with the best weapons and armor possible. I just recently finished my ascended armor and found that I was happy with the results. It finally seemed like all my hard work was starting to pay off in the form of character effectiveness.

After the patch I started to notice that my effective armor and power level seemed to be lacking , while playing in Cm I have noticed that I do less and damage and my armor seems not nearly as effective. I was under the impression that stat scaling wouldn’t effect level 80 characters. There are other examples of the change in various dungeons, but Cm stands out a bit.

I know there was suppose to be an update to resolve this issue, I think the wiki listed it being updated about 2 days after the patch; This is when the issue first started.

If someone could shed some light on this it would be nice. Thank you for your time and I apologize for any grammatical errors as this really isn’t my strong suite.

Pets and Dungeons: Downed so often they are useless?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zep.5189


The pets do require micro-mangement although babby sitting is a closer estimate. Saying the pets are fire and forget is nonsense. I’m not saying they even should be fire and forget. The problem is the pets are our class mechanic and they are a liability at this point.

Personally I always carry a bear for situations that call for them, but what about players who want to choose a different play style. You can’t tell everyone to just bring bears all the time, otherwise why even have any of the other pets. Yeah we all know you should have 2 that occupy various roles, but having to carry 2 just to maintain one role…

Pets and Dungeons: Downed so often they are useless?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zep.5189


I realize the bear is a tank pet, but if you are forced to carry 2 of them all time in dungeons thats useless. The pets are suppose to offer options if used at the right time.

And just so you know the bears don’t last that long in boss fights either, so yeah the boss has to down 2 bears instead of one.

Pets and Dungeons: Downed so often they are useless?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zep.5189


Pets do fall to quickly to many bosses and being forced to use two bears is not much of an option. The whole point of having more than one pet is for utility purposes, which are removed once you don’t really have a choice e.g two bears.

Ranger's Pets not functioning right

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zep.5189


I have played ranger all the way to level 59 and I love the class. The problem is pets don’t respond half the time, the f2 skill just doesn’t work. There was suppose to be a patch to address this,but it is not helping. I am worried I might have to give up a class I love due to the class mechanic being a liability. Hope it didn’t sound too much like a rant just frustrated.