Showing Posts For Zephyrus.5981:

Please stop with the sPvP unlocks

in PvP

Posted by: Zephyrus.5981


I wanted to voice my two-cents in this thread, too, as a player that enjoys PVP, but doesn’t play it exclusively.

I think I understand ANET’s point of view when deciding to add skill unlocks in PVP, because honestly the only rewards I ever saw in PVP that were remotely motivating boiled down to looking good and having a cool finisher. (Other than the fun of just playing PVP and stomping on someone.)

Cool finishers can already be bought from the gemstore without skill or rank and when they merge PVE and PVP looks, well…I already look good in PVE so I’m not too sure what else would motivate me reward-wise in PVP to progress. And even before the merger, I am currently pretty happy with the look of my PVP looks anyway.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d rather hear the whole picture before passing my judgement, since there are tons of games I’ve played that are still enjoyable even if I didn’t have access to every skill available to me from the very beginning. It’s a departure from what ANET said before, but I know PVP isn’t currently a very successful part of the game (when comparing participation to PVE or WVW) and I’m hoping they are trying to turn that around.

I’m not saying people shouldn’t voice their opinion, since feedback is the only way ANET can improve, but it’s only been day one of their reveals of the feature patch.

Just my thoughts. Take it as you will.