Showing Posts For Zhead.2675:

Daily Combo Killer - not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


same here. only works sometimes

Master Carver lost after some patch [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


I can confirm this. The Carver achievment has been set to 0 (i had completed it in halloween)

Dive Master Achievment - which ones missing?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zhead.2675


So today i follow the list on the wiki and dulfy’s page to get all the diving locations and did them all with a guild mate.
(link to dulfy’s guide:

He completed them all while i, for some reason, only got credit for 34 of 37.
The problem now is: I don’t know which i am missing and repeat the list is quite expensive because of waypoint travel + time invested.

Is there any way to now what are the missing jumps?

SPvP Reward Issues

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


That has been talked about. If i’m not wrong, the sPvP will get base defeding into account in the future. (i’m not sure if this is official but i think it is.)

I hope the next few PvP updates will get this “fixed”

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Are there any plans to add a similar system like there was in Guild Wars to let people save Builds / Equipment for PvP ?

Culling affects PvE too!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhead.2675


The number one issue with culling I have outside of WvW is in PvE, Cities in specific. I hate how it looks like a ghost town unless you spend 5 seconds standing right on top of people for them to load in and then as soon as they move a couple of meters they disappear.

I want to be able to see people at the mystic forge from the bank etc. It’s such an immersion killer. It’s been one of my biggest pet peeves with this game so far… the culling it’s the biggest immersion killer and in wvw combat issue.

I would also love to be able to stand on a hill in any zone and see if there’s other around me. Currently not being able to see people 5 meters away from you makes the world feel so empty unless you are doing the same quest. I want to see people around me, it makes the world feel more alive.

I hate when i need to go to Lions Arch because of this.
Going to the trade post is incredibly bad. I see no NPCs, no Players, hear no sound. Only after 10secs or so all things start to appear.

Can you guys please sell templates

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


That would be a fantastic convenience/luxury, but should it be a priority?

If you could choose between this or doing something other than cap points what would you pick?

Don’t get me wrong…that was really nice to have.

This should be a priority. Just imagine, if you play as elementalist for your team, when you participate in a tournament you play several maps. You could and should use more than 1 build deppending on your team strategy. Loading them manually is keeping people from adapt builds for each particular map.

It does’t matter if it is on point capture or other game mode.

I’ll leave a screen from GW1 so you can see how equip customization was so much simple.


Can you guys please sell templates

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Oh the good old times when you could press a key and choose all your equip (weapons, runes, mods) and save/load it in a file.
Same for Builds.

in PvP, not having this feature got me a bit upset. I hate when i want to try a new build. Its so annoying to change it and keep records of the old one…

Quick Question, Please Answer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zhead.2675


you must download the entire game first

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Attended /NoLoot/NoMail

I recieved NOTHING during the event (not even a single drop from karkas).
Played more than 2h.
Payed for armor repairs and waypoint travel during event.

The most important change for sPvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Evan, thank you for your responses and sincerity

I think QP's need to be reset

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


can you please elaborate on how svanir is suposed to give qualifier points?

Titles: Umm, what in the world...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zhead.2675


In GW1 the counter would restart if you die. I think in GW2 its the same thing.
If you die, you just have to start working on the title from scrap. You do not need to delete and create another char.

FoV Change Exploitable Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


This is the best gift possible for Halloween, people who previously had motion sickness from the close zoom level could start playing again.

Agree, i think it is really great.

Mad King's Ascent Camera

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


The camera zoom out “bug” is really really great. It finally lets me get some positional awereness.

I vote for it to stay! (insert super cute cat face here)

Everything in Lions Arch takes too much time to appear on screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Is it just me and my friends or when someone goes to Lions Arch or other places where some big events are taking place (big dragons, orr farming and stuff) the music, effects, NPCs and players simply take too much time to appear on screen?

It has been an issue for me since launch. I could record a gameplay and post it here to show exactly what happens.

What bothers me is that events like Halloween will take place in Lions Arch and i cant even see most players standing next to me. The music taking forever to load and the effects or even footstep sounds not showing up is starting to driving me nuts. In explorable areas i have no issues.
My connection is good, my computer is average (core i7, ati HD 5730, 4Gb ram 1333Mhz).

It also happens with my friends. Cant play in costume brawl like this

Anyone else having the same problem? Any tips?

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Hi all, i just wanted to ask Anet to start including GMT times. It’s the standard.
I also would like to report tat i received no mail, thus assumed tha patch would be out at 22nd October (GMT).
I’m not complaining, im just saying that some annoyances could be avoided.

Im off now, going to sleep :p
See you all tomorrow on halloween

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Nop, not really.
Imagine this: You turn 18, so you can get your drivers license. It doesn’t mean you will get it exactly on your birthday. It only means it can only be aquired AFTER your birthday, not before.

When Anet says the patch wont come out until midnight they were just saying that for GMT time, it wouldn’t be live on 22nd october, only after (23, 24, 25).

And yes, i was also thinking that the gamw would be updated at midnight, but words can be deceiving :p

When does the Halloween event start?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Twitter. And they didnt say it would be up at midnight GMT. They said to not expect it until midnight.

Black Lion Chest Update

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


i guess GemStore should have been updated with the patch… There’s allways someone who cant really think and will open the chests :p (i’m just saying Anet should allways be prepared for the worst case scenario)

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Why dont you simply use the GMT times? All other times are calculated based on GMT, it would be easy for everyone to know the exact starting time.

dont forget that GW2 is a World Wide Game.

Should Anet Allow the Community to Make ADDONS?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhead.2675


1 word: No
Otherwise it would be like playing poker with gadgets showing chances of winning etc etc

Weapon scaling and asura

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhead.2675


This is why i tried Asura in Betas and ended up creating human after release.
Shooting with a bow looks like im using a slingshot :p

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


It makes sense. I hate being hit from all sides in randoms. Im holding a point and suddenly i have 6 enemies around me. Can’t do much there…

Request - Disable sound from armor set

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Hi all, recently i crafted my lvl 80 Gear. The Maskerade armor set. It is a nice armor, although while i walk it produces a sound that looks like i’m stepping on coins. It is very very annoying.

I would like, if possible, to disable that sound, otherwise i will transmute the armor to my previous set which isn’t bad at all (visually).

Please see the screenshot attached and the following video which shows another armos set with a similar sound (note: the video isn’t mine, is from someone doing a jumping puzzle, may contain spoilers)

Youtube Link:


Implementing the standard bank in Heart of the Mists.

in PvP

Posted by: Zhead.2675


My solution is to put the banker in the far end of the map near the test npcs of each class as the distance of the journey my detract from PvEers using the mists as their standard banking area while allowing PvPers who don’t want to leave the mists to have bank access.

Why would PvErs want to use the bank in the mists? Just because its a free travel? It also has a huge loading time.

What bothers me a bit by not having a bank in the mists is: everytime i got a dye that i want to get on my pve char i have to go to PvE (Lions Arch). I could simply put it on the bank…

Why not do this? Passwords are dumb.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zhead.2675


In GW1 we had to type our account name + password + character name.

Wouldn’t it be viable for gw2 too (the character name field, unless the account has no characters created)

Claw of Jormag event chain

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Bugged for Far Shiverpeaks EU too.

Again, it seems the bugged event is causing lag in the zone.

Yup, i can confirm that.

Claw of jormag Bugged - Far shiverpeaks Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Thank you Leto. I missed that one.

Claw of jormag Bugged - Far shiverpeaks Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Server: Far shiverpeaks
Event: Defeat the claw of jormag
Issues: The event is on, the dragon is not there, the bar with his life on screen appears empty. Some people say its been like that for a few days.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Dyes being charr bound isn’t that bad. What bothers me is dyes in sPvP. Many players are creating and deleting chars for sPvP for several reasons as:
- they dont have enough slots, etc
- They create 2 chars of the same prof so they can allways have the right build and equipment loaded (changing builds is a bit time consuming right now).

I would suggest that dyes could be account bound only for sPvP equip.

Priory and Sylvari weapons graphical glitch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


So it’s only a glitch in the preview window? Whew, that’s a relief. Thanks!

as far as i know, yes.
You can try it in sPvP. if you have some items in the locker preview them first, then use it. Some of them will have extra effects :p

Priory and Sylvari weapons graphical glitch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


That happens in every weapon preview. It only shows the hard frame of it. Particles and effects cant be previewed at the moment. If you use it on your char you can see them as intended.

Elementalists - The truth hurts.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Oh, you’re that one ele from last night that kept saying “Owned” whenever you and your team zerged someone.

Remember me? The guardian? The one you would just dance around and not be able to touch unless your zerg showed up? It was funny watching you squirm around doing all sorts of shenanigans while i just autoattacked you with my scepter and flicked you off point like a bug.

Oh yeah, just zerg in 8v8 and be the best elementalist out there who says “owned” whenever he gangs up on someone.

I dont mean to be rude but i’ve got to say 1 word:

Is it just me, or do the downed abilities suck?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Yes they are weak. They also seems to do no damage at all. In a WvW “duel” with a warrior he can easly bring you down and then you use your downed skills. It looks like you re giving them health instead of taking it from him… Skill Nº1 is the weakest in my opinion.

Magnetic Grasp & Ride the Lightning bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


I can also confirm this. I believe it happens when we use the skill and the enemy moves. Our char will go to the previous enemy location and stays there foating a bit because he cant find the enemy (he moved)

Destroyer Lodestones and where to farm?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zhead.2675


According to some “experts” in the guru forum, the best know place is:

“Destroyer Lodestone – Drops off Destroyers in Mount Maelstrom
You can also make them in the Mystic Forge if you have Cores (1 Tier below Lodestones):

2x Core + 1x Crystal + 1x Bottle of Elonian wine + 1x Pile of Crystalline Dust"


Minimap stuck on Top right corner and consequences

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


When we hold the corner of the minimap to resize it, if we move the mouse to the top right corner of the screen,it will move there too.
If we do the same thing to get it back to its original position, using the same method described above, it won’t move at all. This also implies another problem:
The loot (icon and name) won’t appear on the screen anymore.

How it should work:
- Grabbing the corner of the minimap and moving the mouse to the bottom right corner of the screen should move it back to its original position.
- Having the minimap on top right corner shouldn’t give issues with the UI (loot list not appearing)

The only way i found to get the minimap to its original position is dragging it grabbing the vertical bar that appears when we get the mouse over the minimap (the bar that has the +, -, compass signs).

Can Members of the same Guild.. please have the same color DOT on the map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zhead.2675


hey mate, this is the “report a bug” forum…
You should try the suggestions one, and please be more specific. You can’t simply create a thread with “please please please”.

My Mini map was moved and I can't move it back

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zhead.2675


Hi there,
I had the same problem when i dragged my minimap to the top right corner of my screen.
To put it back down just do the following:
- hoover your mouse over the minimap, a vertical bar with some buttons ( +, -, compass, etc) will appear on the right side.
- You can grab the minimap using that bar, between the buttons. The mouse will change to the hand icon. Just drag it back to the default corner of your screen et voilá.