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CDI- Fractal Evolution

in CDI

Posted by: Zok.4930


It would be cool if Fractal rewards, like the relics, could be combined with tokens from other dungeons in order to get cooler prettier gear. Then people could farm combos of old dungeons and lower fractal levels (assuming they have no AR) in order to get special skins. It could improve the reward, get people into old dungeons, and provide a new (updated) path to acquire skins.
For example, instead of just 180 tokens from CoF for gloves, you instead need 180 CoF tokens, 180 SE tokens, 500 Fractal Relics and 20 Ectos. Now people are doing multiple dungeons and fractals to get gear, and doing multiple steps to get a piece of armor that is more unique and challenging to acquire. I think that would boost FoTM for casual players and get them interested in it as well because gear is attainable for casual players through relics.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Zok.4930


Game mode
Proposal Goal
improved Pets to acceptable level
Proposal Functionality
- base pet speed is base character speed +25%
- slighty longer range to pet attacks and/or very short distance leap on all pet attacks

(enemy will have to actualy have to keep an eye on pets to avoid being hit from it. With smart movement enemy will be able to avoid most pet attacks, with swiftnes he will be able to outrun the pet. At this time everyone is just ignoring ranger pets because they cant get hit from them in most cases anyways)

- pets cannot be damaged if they are not targeted
(I dont mind my pet to be killed very fast IF someone want to focus on pet, but that should not happen from randome cleave/aoe, again, this would force enemy to pay attention to our pets and not just ignoring it)

- improvements to pet response to commands
- all 4 skills pet skills should be controlable with assigned key

Associated Risks

With those few small/(easy?) changes Id consider pets fixed.
I would like to hear everyones oppinion about pets being damaged only when targeted(pvp/www) or took agroo(pve).

Brilliant !

That would actualy solve most of pet problems;
pet wouldnt die to random aoe or cleave (no need to aoe damage reduction for pets), pets wouldnt be 1-hit killed in dungeons unless they pull agro, pet would better hit moving targets and be more responsive.

I love it.

this would make pet usuable and balanced through all game modes.
Anet make it happen !

This is probably one of the easiest and best fixes.
Could it be possible that we get to pick pets skills but they still saty on autocast. That way we can choose and control without the need to massively convert the AI. Then we could use whatever skills we want, and pet type is cosmeticish.

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Zok.4930


Let me throw out a crazy idea. Firstly, I just want to say again that some pets should specialize more in buffs and passivity, like having spirits as pets or something. Secondly, I feel everyones issue with pets is not that they don’t like pets, pets are just unreliable. Honestly, I think pets are in a good spot in PvP, they just need responsiveness touch ups all around. Anyway, a crazy idea hit me. What if pets were invulnerable but couldn’t hold agro? I mean, it is crazy, but I feel like if people pets were not so keen to running around a dying, that people would enjoy having them around more. I mean, with the exception of long term tanking and one hit kills, pets do a good job of living through most content. However, if they get agro in FoTM or partake in a WvW zerg they simply die. Why not just extend their life the rest of the way and add a mechanic that balances out their invulnerability. Also, spirits should be pets, passive pets would be awesome. If they had non offesnsive abilities (we need to be able to use our pets abilities) then we could provide more support by using their skillsbars.
Nvm me, do everything Undertaker.7451 posted

(edited by Zok.4930)

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Zok.4930


Oh, it has been said before. Rangers will buy pets/pet skins. It is not class favoritism any more than having special pets in HoM. It has been done there meaning it can be done again. Did I mention people will buy them?

Collaborative Development: Ranger Profession

in CDI

Posted by: Zok.4930


PvE, PvP, WvW

Proposal Overview:
Noticing how lots of people are talking about pets dying, being weak or being in the way (the marionette taught me no one wanted my pet to exist) and noting AI changes as being difficult, I hope to simplify some of the issues.

Goal of Proposal:
To keep the pet but add additional funtionality and potentially do the same to spirits.

Proposal Functionality:
Pets being on passive sucks. Pets need to provide buffs when on passive OR there needs to be passive pets. Interestingly enough, such a thing exists in game. It would be awesome to be able to have a spirit permanently out in place of a pet. Something without needing management that buffs the group that I can control. Even better, maybe certain pets could do the same thing as spirits all the time, or when put on passive. It is wonderful that passive mode exists for pets, Rangers would be useless if they couldn’t keep their pet still. However, a class mechanics should not have to be disabled a large portion of the time to keep the class competitive. AI changes are hard, I get that. Passive pets are an easy fix that lets Rangers get buff from a mechanic. Maybe targetted debuffs or something for F1 AoE buff F2. It keeps current systems.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Zok.4930


I feel like the mindless Dragon slaying and contempt for their entire species is something that could use a little clarity or spice. I propose that a new, potentially living, story be introduced. I feel that space is something seldom used in Guild Wars and it offers the potential to make the player feel as though they are part of something bigger. Therefor, I feel that a new type of enemy be introduced as coming form the sky. Something that blots out the sun for days on end and causes the three world dragon events (Claw of Jormag, Tequatl the Sunless, and Shatterer) to temporarily cease as the dragons become leery of a dire situation.
This opportunity could allow the player to recognize that the dragons can also feel fear and it will also allow the world to be spruced up in the way that certain world events change or are temporarily halted by external circumstances, giving it a truly living feel. Once both the player and the dragons recognize that something evil is approaching, it may also add the unique situation for the player to work together with the dragons, as neither would want to world they inhabit to be destroyed or ravished.
What I am proposing is a scenario where players and dragons unite to give the dragons something we can better relate with than mindless monsters. It also provides the unique opportunity to alter the sky textures worldwide, giving player an ominous feeling. The new enemy could replace the removed dragon events and could even include dragons in the fights as allies, albeit temporarily. I look forward to seeing some form of impending doom from the sky.

Titan's Vengance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zok.4930


Isn’t this weapon supposed to have flames like Volcanus?

Triple monitor system trouble

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zok.4930


The Flawless Widescreen fix no longer works and I can’t seem to fix it. If their is not a fix soon then what is the point of playing this game widescreen…


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zok.4930


Hey Bill, could we get an update as to whether there are going to be more fixes to widescreen? I am not enjoying my wonky UI. BTW, anyone that was using Flawless Widescreen, let me know if yours is still working, cause the patch broke it for me

Flawless Widescreen Not Working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zok.4930


HaYdEn has not been on since mid January meaning that there probably won’t be a fix for a while, if ever. I really wish there was a UI adjustment tool included in the game, I hate having all of the menus on the edges of my peripherals, it is highly distracting. The fix probably doesn’t work anymore cause the game build is completely different. Judging by how much better the game is utilizing graphical resources, I would say they altered some of the games graphics engine and now Flawless Widescreen is not hooking correctly. Either way, I won’t be playing as much until it’s fixed, looking left and right while fighting with three screens gives me a headache, peripherals should stay peripherals. If anyone has an alternative program or solution, I am all ears.

Flawless Widescreen Not Working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zok.4930


I signed up on I am going to see about contacting the code’s writer. Maybe he can offer some insight. I agree on the UI business, would be great if I could have some measure of control over it. Even if I just set UI resolution

Flawless Widescreen Not Working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zok.4930


Todays patch broke Flawless Widescreen, a program I have been using for months in order to center my HUD on my center of three screens. I sanyone else having issues with widescreen since the last patch? If not, can someone help me fix Flawless Widescreen. I love playing widescreen and it is a lot harder to do with my UI all over the place.