Here’s a few things I noticed that could improve your play:
1. After you knock somebody down with air 4 5 combo and switch to fire, you should be using 3 4 right away. If you aim it right you’ll hit both while they’re still down. This utilizes the knockdown of air 5 and the mobility of fire 3 much better than using fire 2 right away when switching to fire.
Honestly, I wouldn’t even use fire 2 when first rotating to fire. Its dps isn’t that great, the hit box is extremely clunky when you and your opponent are moving (notice how few ticks you get off on opponents?), and you can’t dodge without cancelling it. The only time I’d use it would be if the opponent is slowed (so rotating to fire right after water) or immobilized (earth 3) to ensure I get every dps tick off. And that’s when fire 3 and 4 are off cd, so not often. Instead, I’d switch to earth faster to chain knockdowns together and get the bleed going.
2. And now that I’ve mentioned dodging, you need to dodge more, as well as dodge more intelligently. If you’re going against a sustained dps/low burst build like the ranger you faced, you should still be dodging to cover ground faster. Also, if you can get right next to their face it’s nice for the next point.
3. You under utilize auto attacks. D/D ele is bursty/less sustained damage than scepter/D, so you’re naturally going to run out of hard hitting spells by your third rotation.
Both fire and air auto attacks can do a decent amount of damage. Usually, if it’s a ranged enemy, air auto attack and 2 is decent enough to space out spells. Fire auto attack is harder to aim effectively (hit more than 1 line) when your enemy is running from you. In contrast, if a melee enemy, fire 1 has enough range to continue kiting. If you space it right, you’ll hit more than just 1 of the 3 lines as they ran at you (easier to predict where they’ll go since they want to give you a hug), and therefore do decent dps.
At the end of a couple of fights you’re just in earth attune spamming the auto attack to take the remaining health. Try avoiding that by managing spell rotations/auto attacks/dodging more efficiently.
4. Cleansing fire. Why do you have it? You don’t use it often and it’s taking a valuable utility slot. Arcane blast or wave are two great options, and you can choose one of them depending on personal preference. Air 4 5 fire 3 4 arcane spell is great combo.
You said you were 30 water/30 earth/10 arcane, but I’m not sure which traits you’re using. For the 30 grandmaster trait in water you can spec into ‘cure condition on regen.’ This should solve most condition problems you have since swapping to water will automatically cure 2 conditions (assuming you have cleansing wave as well, which most do), and another 2 from water 5.
It’s overall a great video. Keep up the good work