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Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zombo.1845


ETA: when I said my card cost more than the PS4 and XB0, I meant each, not combined. I can see now how that could have been mis-read

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zombo.1845


My video card alone cost more than both the PS4 and Xbox One.

You overpayed for your card

That’s gotta say something about the graphics capability of those systems when compared to a high-end PC, no?

We’re comparing them to a low budget level PCs due to being limited to 3GB of ram, having shared memory (that will end up in bottlenecking) and only being able to play 32 bit. If you took those 400 dollars you could still build a more powerful PC, because you only need to get hardware from 2009 to beat the new console hardware.

After all is said and done, I’m sure the new consoles will still have amazing graphics ( even my PS3 impresses me at times).

If you really own the newest most expensive graphics card you really should not be impressed by console graphics. Just compare Crysis 3 on PC and PS3.

I payed allmost $600, which is about average for that type of card (Evga Nvidia 680gtx). Yes, my PS3 has given me some pretty graphics (Uncharted, Heavy Rain, etc.). Are you saying that because I’m getting great graphics on my PC then I can’t appreciate what a lower machine can churn out? That doesn’t make any sense. Not to mention, I started my post by saying exactly what you’re saying…that the graphics capabilities don’t compare. Nevertheless, both platforms have games that look great (even if the PC’s look better).

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zombo.1845


I think you underestimating the hardware Sony and Microsoft are putting into their new consoles.

My video card alone cost more than both the PS4 and Xbox One. That’s gotta say something about the graphics capability of those systems when compared to a high-end PC, no? However, it’s a non-issue with me since I see console gaming as a completely separate thing from PC gaming, and I will still buy a PS4 (mostly for Dark Souls…the greatest console RPG series of the last decade, imo). After all is said and done, I’m sure the new consoles will still have amazing graphics ( even my PS3 impresses me at times).

Back on topic….after playing for one week, I have decided that even if I only get a few months of playing out of it, then it’s still worth every penny of the initial investment. So I have no complaints.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zombo.1845


Here’s my 2 cents as a new (one week) GW2 player: I’m having a blast and the game sure looks pretty on my new computer! However, already I can tell that it won’t have the longevity, with me, that other games have had in the past ( 6 years in EQ1, and 5-6 in WoW).

Why? Because although it looks great and has some fun and exciting concepts, it’s too EZ-mode….an MMO for the console crowd…all flash and no real substance (as MMOs go). Instant gratification…you want to do a raid-level encounter? No problem….just head on over and join the Zerg-fest. You don’t need to join a group or even to say a word. This can be fun, at first, but I don’t know how long it will hold my interest. Getting rid of the tank/healer/dps mechanic is a double-edged sword, IMO.

Besides, I don’t think they care much if people quit since they have already made their money when you purchased the game, and I think the game design reflects this. In fact, they probably would prefer that you quit after playing a bit. It’s the kind a model that is geared more toward bringing in new players (game sales), instead of keeping current players. Perhaps a subscription-based model would have been better. /duck

As I said, I have only been playing a week, and my opinion may change.

ps: Although I think the graphics are amazingly beautiful, personally, I wish they hadn’t gone the WoW route…with it’s bright, cartoony, pastel color palette/art style. I feel, at times, like I’m playing WoW2, graphically speaking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! But, after coming off such a long stint in WoW, I would love to play an MMO that goes for a more photo-realistic look (instead of the ‘moving painting’ look). Just sayin’

I disagree with them not caring if you leave the game or not. They want people in the game because there aren’t enough people buying new MMOs compared to those who buy at launch. It’s not a model that can be infinitely sustained on new boxed sales. It’s sustained on the cash shop. It’s the only way the game can move forward. Anet said even from the beginning the cash shop was an important part of the business model.

It’s not geared toward people that consume content mega quickly and probably not geared toward those who want a raid-like challenge. But we know from years of the industry that most people aren’t raiders and most people don’t really want challenge. Not the kind of challenge you’re talking about.

I mean we see threads on these forums about how hard the dungeons are…and for many they’re too hard. And for many they’re too easy. And then there are people like me, who find most of them a pretty decent challenge and a couple more challenging.

So if they don’t capture that top 15% of people who are hard core and the bottom 15% of those for whom the game is too hard that still leaves 70% of the players…who find it about right.

And again, they’re capturing a lot of people who don’t have time for other MMOs. The MMO crowd is growing up and not everyone can commit to hours and hours every week. These are the people the game caters to best.

I’ve already done most of the content in the game and I still enjoy it, but then, I’m not looking to be super challenged all the time either.

All good points, and I forgot about the cash shop ( as I said, I’m new, and I’m not used to games with cash shops).

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zombo.1845


Here’s my 2 cents as a new (one week) GW2 player: I’m having a blast and the game sure looks pretty on my new computer! However, already I can tell that it won’t have the longevity, with me, that other games have had in the past ( 6 years in EQ1, and 5-6 in WoW).

Why? Because although it looks great and has some fun and exciting concepts, it’s too EZ-mode….an MMO for the console crowd…all flash and no real substance (as MMOs go). Instant gratification…you want to do a raid-level encounter? No problem….just head on over and join the Zerg-fest. You don’t need to join a group or even to say a word. This can be fun, at first, but I don’t know how long it will hold my interest. Getting rid of the tank/healer/dps mechanic is a double-edged sword, IMO.

Besides, I don’t think they care much if people quit since they have already made their money when you purchased the game, and I think the game design reflects this. In fact, they probably would prefer that you quit after playing a bit. It’s the kind a model that is geared more toward bringing in new players (game sales), instead of keeping current players. Perhaps a subscription-based model would have been better. /duck

As I said, I have only been playing a week, and my opinion may change.

ps: Although I think the graphics are amazingly beautiful, personally, I wish they hadn’t gone the WoW route…with it’s bright, cartoony, pastel color palette/art style. I feel, at times, like I’m playing WoW2, graphically speaking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! But, after coming off such a long stint in WoW, I would love to play an MMO that goes for a more photo-realistic look (instead of the ‘moving painting’ look). Just sayin’