I’d just like to say that HoT was a £30 expansion for the game, most DLC of this price point would add the following:
- more than 5 hours of content
- added features that aren’t walled behind 20+ hours of grind
HoT added neither. The story is a lost cause, and would take far too much work and money for ANet to fix, but the hero points would be one tweak of one number to fix the problem and stop gating the content behind unreasonably hard to solo content, which no-one who has done it before will join a group to complete, because there’s no incentive to. This would be solved if one of the following were true:
- there would be enough hero points in central Tyria to complete the elite specialization for a character
-the hero challenges in Heart of Thorns areas would be possible for most players to do without a group