Showing Posts For Zordon.8237:

CPU for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I can’t use 7th generation on W8.1

Aside from pointing out the obvious – Win8 is a completely dead OS and you should toss that garbage ASAP – then get a 6 series or something. Hell you could get a 6850K (6 core) cheaper than that 4770. Or the i5 6600 as mentioned. Looking at newegg, there is 6600K mobo+cpu combos down to $350 (in comparison, a 4770 there cost $400).

You havent really stated your definition of a “cheap” upgrade. Again, looking at Newegg you can get an i5 7600 combo (mobo, CPU, 16gb ram) + Win 10 Pro for $540. Prolly wanna make that $600 and get decent tower cooler with it. A Ryzen 1600 is roughly the same cost.

Sorry, but in my country stores have older cpus for lower prices which sounds reasonable.

CPU for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


i have got i7 2700k which is a old one so w/e is better then mine will perform perfectly fine cus i never have any problems beside server giving me massive delays on skill use

Thanks for THIS response

CPU for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I can’t use 7th generation on W8.1

CPU for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I did a post some time ago that had a link to single thread processing speed.

Find your processor’s single thread benchmark here

That’s what you want for GW2.

Based on your link… if I want to play GW2 on Windows 8.1 I should pick Intel Core i3-6098P, Intel Core i5-4690 (I won’t OC) or Intel Core i7-4770? I’ve only picked CPUs with good price/performance ratio. Can i use my old ram for i5/i7? It’s 2×4gb 1333Mhz ddr3. I know that i3-6098P needs ddr4.

I’m only playing GW2 so i don’t want to spend too much for new components… and I’m too old for new games ;P

Hello… Since my motherboard is dying im looking for new one and cpu. I’m thinking about Intel i3-6300 or i5-6600. I would buy cheaper one… but… if I3 will work like my old phenom II x4 and provide 10-20 fps in zerg battles ill take i5. Which one would you recommend?

i3, i5, i7, i9… you will get 10-20fps in zerg battles regardless.

Anyway do not get an i3. They are obsolete. Can it run GW2? Sure, np. Do you plan on only playing GW2 for the rest of your life? Any new game taking advantage of multiple cores will see fps tank on the i3.

The i5 is… questionable. A 6c/12t Ryzen will be similar price and smack the i5 around like a baby in multithread perfomance, while having 90% of its singlethread performance. If you plan on overclocking alot (ie reach 5ghz) the i5 is a better deal for now I suppose (6600K then obviously, not 6600).

I’ve bought my Phenom II 960T for GW2 and it failed, so I won’t pick their cpu again, sorry.

(edited by Zordon.8237)

CPU for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Hello… Since my motherboard is dying im looking for new one and cpu. I’m thinking about Intel i3-6300 or i5-6600. I would buy cheaper one… but… if I3 will work like my old phenom II x4 and provide 10-20 fps in zerg battles ill take i5. Which one would you recommend?

Can't create new characters :-/

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Ive got similar issue… I cant change my server :/

I would like to change my wvw server...

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I was thinking about FSP… I was there months ago so ill go back there i think. Thanks for reply

I would like to change my wvw server...

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


EU, at this moment im playing on Blacktide…

I would like to change my wvw server...

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I would like to change my wvw server, but i dont know which one has huge wvw community. Which one would you recommend at this moment?

Time to merge populations

in WvW

Posted by: Zordon.8237


What about free transfers to the worst servers in bronze? I hope this may help balance population somehow…

Primordus vs Mordremoth

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I think that we will face Zhaitan one more time:
1. Painting in Scarlet’s cave looks like Tequatl.
2. New powers of Tequatl are linked to the living story.
3. Devs said that they will remake fight against Zhaitan (it was long time ago… Don’t blame me if I am wrong, my memory of old news related to this game is full of holes)
4. We have not seen his corpse.

Gargoyles mysteriously vanish from Ascalon.

in Lore

Posted by: Zordon.8237


I know that I’m a digger, but what do you think about ending of AC story?

" King Adelbern: “You’ve defeated me, but what’ve you gained? Much deadlier things stir beneath us. They’ll consume you all!” "

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Zordon.8237


My Charr ranger


Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Hi! What do you think about my armor set and which helmet do you recommend for my character? I will change my armor color in future.


Zerker Necro in Zergs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Do you use full zerker stats?

Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zordon.8237


It is different situation… Receiving identical and untradeable items is not fun at all… And those scrolls of experience… I think that almost every player with plays since opening has got characters which are lvl 20 and higher.

Settler's armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Hi! Is there any possibility to get Settler’s armor? I know that I can buy it at Southsun Cove, but noone wants to do events which are required to unlock merchant…

Celestial armor

in Ranger

Posted by: Zordon.8237


It would probably work decently with my Technobabble Build like I said, I may have to eventually make a set to try it out.

what all does your build entail? ive been messing around with babble myself , Mixing muddy terrain,technobabble,Dog/Wolf and entangle makes a great mass CC build Rotation.

Best setup i’ve found so far with it is Clerics

30 Skirmish/30 Wilderness/10 Nature’s

Don’t bother with Muddy Terrain, Dog/Wolf is alright, though I feel with the setup you need more damage as its non condition based.

Shortbow/Greatsword with Signet of Hunt/Signet of Wild/Techno, Build sort of like you’d do a Bunker Ranger with Rune of Dywana, Sigils you want a Power one, and usually Lightning or Weapon Swap Chill.

I actually prefer Drakes still, though Spiders also work very well…

Technobabble with Moment of Clarity is 4 seconds, then you have the Shortbow/Greatsword Dazes/Stuns and it adds up….Time it right and you can chain lock down someone to death.

What if I am not playing as Asura? Is there any possibility of making a similar build, for example, a build with runes of mesmer?

Alternative dye for Charred one

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zordon.8237


Hi! I am looking for the alternative dye for Charred dye. I’ve tried to find similar one, but I’m not happy with the outcome of my searching. I hope that you can help me with my searching :)