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Spiteful Talisman and Winged Pants bugs.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


I’ve noticed two bugs recently.
The first is when using the Winged Pants armour for the female, it looks like it chops your character in half. It doesn’t really effect game play at all, it’s just kind of annoying to look at sometimes, especially since this armour looks amazing imo.

The other is the Necromancer trait Spiteful Talisman. Although this may be intentional(which I hope not), Reaper’s Touch does not gain the bonus range from this trait. Spinal Shivers gains the bonus (900 to 1200 range), but Reaper’s Touch stays at 900.
I haven’t tested the cooldowns, but if I’ll update if I find the skill doesn’t receive that bonus either.


(edited by Zyaph.4873)

How is this not a thing? Petition to make dyes account based

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


I’m pretty sure unlocked dyes were unlocked throughout all your characters. I’m not sure why they changed it for release.

Leap skills almost always missing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


Yeah, I often miss the actual hit on my warrior. I just use it for the mobility of it though, I don’t really care whether it hits or not, as long as it puts me in the right area.

I use it for the distance closer too on my Warrior, but being able to be so mobile on my ranger while throwing in conditions and damage is so fun for me. It just kinda ruins the moment a bit for me when I see a big MISS after I leap in.

Your level, class, and happiness rating 1-10

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


62 Necromancer, 8.5/10.

Although I feel like this is the best MMO I’ve played so far, there’s still a lot they could do to make it better. I’m hoping that in the first expansion there will be some things that I would like c:
Also some constant bugs lower the rating a bit for me. Like event bugs. There’s always at least 2 or more events per area which are bugged.

Leap skills almost always missing.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


So I’ve noticed when I played a Ranger with a sword, and Warrior with a sword, that when I use their leap skills (monarch’s leap and savage leap), about 85% of the time I end up missing the attack unless I’m right up in their face (for savage leap). I’ve made sure I’m in range, and most times it looks like I over-jump and end up missing. Also, leaping from lower or higher terrain always misses. Just wondering if this is a bug, or am I just impossibly horrible at leaping skills.

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zyaph.4873


Happens to me all the time with my necromancer minions, especially when i jump in the water. I’ve heard it coming from a random Dolyak too.. I just stare it down while it goes click clop click clop. I’ve found it only stops for me on my minions if I re summon them, but for other mobs I just walk away til it fades.