If you think you deserve compensation, prepare to be very dissapointed with your life, because thats not how anything in the world work.
Technically this is exactly how life works. At least in the USA. I cannot speak for any other country.
I’m not saying there should be compensation for yesterdays outage.
I am simply saying that we get compensated on a daily basis for inconveniences. You just have to know how to get what you want.
Nearly every month I get most of my bills reduced for compensations due to service outages, poor quality of services provided, services received not exactly matching advertised descriptions (speed tests were not up to par, static on a phone line) etc. You only need to be vocal and customer service agents will do nearly anything to keep you happy.
While i do not agree with OP that we need compensation, I do understand that all they are doing is reaching out to Customer Service and attempting to receive compensation for the poor service delivered yesterday.