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Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: achwas.6190


to all the people that want a refund, at the start of HoT some people asked for a refund and they got one, but your account gets suspended and you can never use it again.

Right now – few people who asked would actually care about that.
Problem is – aNet is burning their fanbase to the ground and salt the roots with broken promises…. and basically just turning into another EA/Bioware.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: achwas.6190


The big concern I have hear, really, though, is “Why has it taken 6 months to create a single new legendary weapon?”

The cynic in me says… “wings”

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: achwas.6190


Let’s see what happened to this game after HOT release:


PvP—->Unbalanced(only 1 new map/gamemode released)

Dungeon’s rewards—->destroyed

Fractals—->nothing changed

Raid—->2/3 wings released (still not full)

New Legendary Weapons—->3/16 (only another 1 will come )—>cancelled

Legendary Armor—->Not available yet

Legendary backpack—->1/2 (only the pvp one, no eta for the other)

Open world—->4 new maps ,masteries etc etc

New class—->1 (revenant)+9 subclasses (specializations)

New races—-> 0

Weekly free story updates—-> 0

GW2 E-Sport—->giant fiasco

GEM kittenING STORE—-> 1 kittening kittenty item every day!!!

I leave this on the table for your consideration.

^^ THIS!

^^ so much

Basically I was hoping for some really nice alternative legendaries beyond the initial 3 which were pretty promising, especially for the “Hippie” Kudzu.. and what do we get ? A shortbow ? a SHORTBOW ? …..While the “Dreamer” is utterly terrible/niche and needed some alternative…., who is actually using shortbows ? It is still damage-nerfed on rangers (after more than 16 months because of… reasons ?) and thieves use it to move faster… Who is really going to go through the monumental process of phase II in Legendary collection for a freaking Shortbow ?

Where is an alternative Longbow, Sword, Greatsword, Dagger Scepter or Mace ? You know stuff most players actually USE !

Basically here goes the last hope I had for some useful stuff to work towards from HoT after the short and lame story .
We once more get “we will do this promises” which you will redact six months hence, and tell us it is only for your own good and “more story” (looking at how weak the story in HoT was….. no thanks )

(edited by achwas.6190)

[BUG]Lost 2 hours and reward with DS wp bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achwas.6190


There is also the terrible fun problem that if you die in the final battle at DS and drop down to the mists under the Ley islands you cannot ressurect at any nearby waypoint (in DS), cannot insta-rez with an orb (since you then insta-die at the bottom of the chasm) and have to leave the map and get back into DS and hope you get into the same map your squad is in before you get blocked out of the map due to MoMordremoth getting killed in the meantime.
Guess the lighting problem is more important, though^^

Bug: Lighting changes in 3/22 Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achwas.6190


this bug also applies in the opposite direction with bright lights and shadowed area : like the skritt caves( (“quandry sratch”) in Mount Maelstrom …everything is massively bright, and solarized.
These area are visually painful to enter/adventure in. Bug report for this was sent as well.

'A Sparkling Rescue' cannot be completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achwas.6190


I would not get my hopes up too much for a resolution “next Tuesday”… similar problem with the Norn starting story (NPCs not spawning at Darkriven Bluff, Norn “Attuned to the Mists” storyline) last spring-summer took a few months to resolve. Which made me swear off Norns for this incarnation of the game and re-rolling my Mesmer as another race.

And just deleting your character is not really helpful if you used resources to level up a character but still doing the story for the benefits derived from it. Say like getting a character into a different order…

Suck at Love (Banned)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: achwas.6190


I don’t agree with cheating/hacking but the amount of schadenfreude and glee in this thread is disgusting.

“Schadenfreude” is when some laughs at something bad happening to someone else un_deserved_ly . You know… “without good reason”. Not at all the case here.

And perhaps contrary to your assumptions, most people really do not like cheaters, especially when upon getting caught they go on youtube and proclaim their innocence until confronted with the hard facts.
If your moral compass does not consider that funny…. well to each his own.

Suck at Love (Banned)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: achwas.6190


well yeah.. ka-ching !
At least aNet MEANS ban (and explaining why they banned someone ) when they announce one, unlike, say EA/Bioware. Another reason to stay.

Can't make new characters.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achwas.6190


I actually need my mouse to survive creating a character so clicking for 40 minutes is not an option….. It’s just creepy how something as elemental as character creation can get broken

Can't make new characters.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: achwas.6190


Same issue – tried 12 hours separation same issue. EU servers, Windows 7 64-bit

Code 42:22 etc and
Code 10: etc… Check your network

After 10+ attempts I get a “new charcter limit exceeded” prompt…

really not funny

"Please don't fix the Bristleback" campaign!

in Ranger

Posted by: achwas.6190


please keep the hulk bristleback….
at last a pet that is fun to watch (and not boringly small)