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Please add a permanent timed jumping puzzle similar to the clock tower to the game!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: alexguzman.4581


I believe that the desired challenge is to have a skill-less, timed run.

Which the closest is Griffonrook, but with abilities (and others running ahead of you without a bomb, clearing the way) the puzzle is trivial.

Of course we can all self time our runs, record them for proof, and/or make our own challenges and goals, (e.g. level 1, no abilities, swiftness, traits, etc.) but it doesn’t quite feel as challenging as parameters predefined by ArenaNet, and unchangeable when you get irritated at losing.

Overall, I think that having more partially time puzzles would be a great start, but having either dedicated puzzles like Mad King’s Clock Tower or a “challenge” mode for all or most existing puzzles (NPC that strips your abilities and starts a timer) would be better for the “hoppy” Guild Wars 2 community.