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Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: allysphere.5702


Updates for Thursday and Friday, 28 – 29 November

121123-000247 I followed up on this today.

Thank you so much, Gaile! Support got back to us later that day and the problem was solved completely. Thank you again! You’re a life saver!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: allysphere.5702


Update: Tuesday, 27 November
121123-000247 Please follow up in your ticket, which was updated today

We did as you asked, and updated our ticket with more information and proof of purchase, but have not had a response from ArenaNet since Tuesday (three days ago); their last message to us seemed very final in saying, “we will not be able to assist you further with this issue.”

Anyway, again, ArenaNet has said our purchase was fraudulent….we pre-purchased the game directly from your site seven months ago. Our bank statements show the money was charged and went through to ArenaNet. We have not received any refund for the money, either.

We are unsure what to do now, please help us.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: allysphere.5702



This is regarding [Incident: 121123-000247].

My husband (alberolingarn.8361) was banned/suspended last week “for an account issue.” He filed a support ticket with ArenaNet on Thursday November 22nd.

The latest response we have gotten from ArenaNet is the following:

“The Guild Wars 2 Serial Code used to create your Guild Wars 2 game account was initially purchased from NCsoft has found that the purchase of the serial code was a fraudulent purchase. This resulted in the provided serial code and game account where that serial code is registered to be permanently closed.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to assist you further with this issue."

This shocked us because we pre-purchased the game directly from your site seven months ago. Our bank statements show the money was charged and went through to ArenaNet. We have not received any refund for the money, either.

He has participated in all subsequent BWEs and played the game since launch! We do not know why there is a problem now. He paid through debit and we have had no problems with that card. We are just baffled because the money shows it went through on our end, and I have no idea why seven months later we are being told it was bad.

We came home from Thanksgiving dinner to find his account banned and it made for a depressing Thanksgiving break. It hurts to be accused of fraud when we are innocent!

We would love some further help on this issue. Gaile, I’ve been going through all of these support threads the past few days and see how much you are helping people. I really respect the work you do; if you could help us with this issue I would really appreciate it.

Excelsior. :>

(edited by allysphere.5702)