Showing Posts For aquanaughty.5781:

Good Work

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aquanaughty.5781


…Definitely Awesome !!! Thanks everyone at Anet !!!

...Thank You!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aquanaughty.5781


Thank you Anet for the invite. I had an absolute BLAST !! After the release I WANTED the Revenant, and I WANTED the new expansion…..but now….oh please hurry !! I REALLY WANT !! As this is my first stress test beta, I’m going to assume since you guided us to the Wyvern that that was being stressed…it was great. It played well, with speed, surprises and some hurting !! Since little glitches happen in the regular game I really wasn’t bothered by it here. Some of the game play will take time to get used to, like flying, but I was amazed at how “intuitive” the Revenant played. The weapon set was well balanced in my opinion, each having it’s utility. (and all totally fun! ) Love the effects, visual and sound. Awesome job ! I’ll play the second round too.

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aquanaughty.5781


@Electro…ok, makes sense…"but I wanna PLAY !! Waaaaaaa!! "…I can dig that, Thanks..

Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: aquanaughty.5781


..ok..I just purchased a second copy/acct of gw2 and activated it…all is well…purchased gems through the gem store/ BLT for my new characters…all is well….now I try to exchange gems for gold to spend in the store…and it says “this feature is disabled, pls come back later”….is it me, or something wrong at Anet? Or just a temporary down thing?