Showing Posts For aquel.2178:


in PvP

Posted by: aquel.2178


Will you ever fix this issue ? I’m just wondering if you ever look at your game and say ‘yep there is nothing to fix’. It’s been a problem since the beginning of this game and I have no idea what you do with your jobs. I know you do not care about PvP, whatever you say does not really matter because there is never a proper action by you. So this is my last plea to whomever is in charge of this stuff; will you ever fix this or do you like losing more players?

How's matchmaking now?

in PvP

Posted by: aquel.2178


You can put a level restriction to join tournament games and in addition to that you can match people based on their win/lose ratios. But right now, if you don’t queue in with your team, it’s pure luck to be able to have an equal matching.

(edited by aquel.2178)