Showing Posts For arsh.9026:

What kind of Revenant are you?

in Revenant

Posted by: arsh.9026


What race are you going with?

Sylvari Male

What weapons are really tickling your fancy?

Sword/Sword (maybe with axe offhand) and Staff

What is your favourite legend?

Shiro all day everyday, but I’m really looking forward to seeing Glint.

Is it now going to be your main or just an alt?

Not sure yet, but there’s a pretty good chance it’ll be my main unless Necros get some awesome changes, plus Sword and Shiro look amazing.

Do you have a back story if so what is it?

Nah but I like to think he has some serious personality disorders being both a Sylvari and a Revenant.

How are you going to make your Revenant look?

I’m not gonna use the same dyes, they just happen to be what my Mesmer has right now.


Wait until Elite Specs come out

in Necromancer

Posted by: arsh.9026


GS is better be condi weapon and have leap, block, condi removal and fear skill.

Please no, I want to actually be useful in PVE. Totally cool with having leaps, blocks and fears on it though.