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[PvX][EU] [EGO] is now Recruiting.

in Looking for...

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


Ego et Rex Meus aka [EGO] is a guild built for Newbies, for the Anti-Social, for the Wild Lama’s who like to run around without any concern for what the Meta is or what Meta Means. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to know your Professions Rotation. You don’t need Ascended Gear. You’re here to have fun. So are We.

You don’t have to know anything except that you enjoy playing GW2 in your own way and you wanna be around people who do the same.

So, rules time? Rules Time.

1. Be Nice
2. If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, you probably shouldn’t say it to us.
3. Respectful profanity is allowed. Refer to Rule 1 and 2
4. Everyone deserves a basic level of well mannered respect.
5. Respect will be lost at the violation of Rules 1-4.
6. If you’re angry or frustrated its time to take a break. See you tomorrow.

“Do I have to represent all the time?”

If you want. Or Not. We’d like you to Rep during guild events out in the world, world boss runs, champ farms, or during WvW but you don’t have to. We don’t care. You do you, boo.

“Do I have to get Teamspeak/Mumble?”


We Have a Discord Channel!

You don’t have to talk, you don’t need a mic. You might need a head set if you don’t want the rest of your house-hold to hear us, but if you don’t want to, don’t.

We talk, and you can listen.

We use it to help organize for Guild Events, Dungeons, Fractuls, Farms and the mythical Raids.

“So, what types of things Do you Do?”

We do daily activities set up on a weekly schedule which you can see here:

“Is there an age restriction?”

No, and while the rules encourage respectful language there could be some adult material to be seen. So, while there is no age restriction, we do require you to have a mature mentality which understands that respect is something you give everyone. Until they prove they don’t deserve it.

“Right, so how do I join or find out more?”

You can join the discord chat and talk to Ash or you can send a /whisper (or mail) in game to: ashjustash.4302

“What the heck is up with that name?”

This was a personal bank stash for myself when I had a kick for Latin a few years ago. It doesn’t really mean anything about the guild or its mentalities, I just invested the money into it so I figure may as well as let others enjoy what it has and build it into more.

But if you really want to know what it says, Ego et rex meus is Latin for, “I and my king.”

F2P friends cant see each other

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


Yeah, we tried that, but that option doesn’t pop up for anyone. Not the F2p or the paid accounts.

F2P friends cant see each other

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


So, I have a couple of friends who finally are playing GW2 with the F2P. After everyone else bought, they were the hold outs.

Odd things is, they join in game, join a party together, with others…but they cant see each other. O.o The first night of F2P I could see them, and they could see each other, but now they’re in game with another friend (purchaser) and none of them can see each other. They dont seem to be zoning into the same maps.

They’re on NA servers, so…We’ve flailed about trying to figure this out, and now we’ve given up. It worked on the first night, but now the wee f2p are wandering lost and alone.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


Sorry, clarification. When I would stack in Centuar stance, if I stacked in Dwarf or Demon it seemed better. We’d still wipe, but it took longer. Centuar stack was instagib.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


Well, all I can say right now is based on what I’ve done and seen while doing it.

And this is what I take as solid right now as Rev stands; you can’t have more than three Rev’s in a group and you can’t have less. More than three and its a dps loss even if we’re all in demon stance and everything takes forever to down. If you have less it seems like the stances frak things up; so far all the three rev groups I’ve been in we get in a single stance and stay there: one in centuar, dwarf, and demon. People don’t seem to be switching stances as maybe they should be, and find themselves wanting to weapon swap.

My advice, I’m not keen on adding another weapon for swapping, but instead allowing all three stances as selectable first. Maybe we do need weapon swapping, but really I keep wanting to go to the stance that I don’t have up rather than weapon swap. But whatever, this is all my opinion.

We ran three revs (two Zerks, one Celes), a guardian (Didn’t say, assuming zerk), and necro (Zerk) in path 1 of Asc. And after explaining how rev works for those who expressed ignorance? We ran through it pretty quick….as long as I, the defacto Centuar Rev, didn’t stack? It was weird. If I stacked we wiped. If I ran about like a moron…we didn’t. Do not understand why. But every frackin time we would normal stack, we’d get eaten alive to the point people were wanting to rage quit. Either this a bug or some odd play mechanic that I haven’t figured out.

I’ve done the run through a couple of times, but not finished, mostly cause I can’t remember to NOT stack and we die. Not to say its all on me and my glory, just observational evidence that when I ran off things were good. I hope I can find another group who wants to figure out how to make it work and we can test, rather than just trying to zerg like normal.

Anyways! My opinions, completely biased and unprofessional observations.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ashjustash.4302


I’m just going to jump in feet first even though my tendency is to just lurk and make snarky comments to my hubby about what I read here.

Circle around, kiddos, it’s time for a little old fogey story time.

See, way back when your grandpapi played this game called WoW. I made quippy disparaging comments as any tried and true FPS’er does every time he tried to me to play. It was about the time this Crusade was popular when he finally convinced me to join him and like any proper masochist I rolled out a Holy Priest. For those of you to young to understand my pain, take a badger and shovel it into your pants and then run the Boston Marathon without losing that badger. Its the same thing…actually that would probably be easier. Anyways, where was I?

Oh yeah, WoW Burning crusade…well about the time the Lich King was completed I finally finished leveling that Holy Priest. Heck, by this time I actually had multiple characters (though none at 80), on multiple accounts. Multiple accounts that were opened for 100 plus dollars (depending on sales) for all the expansions. By the time Cata came about we were spending about 75 dollars a month after spending around 300 dollars upgrading all our accounts with the expansion. We didn’t get any perks. We didn’t get any benefits for basically paying a months worth of rent for most people. We got nadda and those pour souls who didn’t even own the core game? And had to buy ALL the previous expansions? The mind boggles…Of course, about the time Panda rolls around they started cutting newbies some slack, but way back when…It was nothing but highway robbery.

Then this silly Brit came along all chuffed about GW2. Ha! We mocked him as serious MMO neckbeards are required. That gw2 wasn’t no goshdurned MMO it was just for filthy casuals…then the facts about it started coming out. No monthly fee? Buy more character slots? “Expansions” called living story for free? Wuuuuuuuuu- Okay, maybe…yeah, its just 60 er, 120 dollars for us to play. No monthly fees, we can just not tell anyone we’re tossing about with casuals.

After six months we had abandoned our WoW accounts (It was Cata kitten , who wouldn’t have?) And spent all of our time in GW2. In the years since we have played like crackheads looking for a fix and then not logged in for weeks at a time. We have, without a doubt, paid one of their developers full year salaries all by ourselves because of that dange Gem Store and we’ll do it again for some pretty simple reasons.

The game is good. The developers are good. The business practices of Anet are good. Have they made mistakes? Sure, but then again so have I (I’ll tell you about the time I signed a business deal because of a bottle of Wild Turkey, two angry possums, and a wrestling match which ended on the count of gator….er, later, ask me for it in another post.) And sometimes they’ve been some stupid decisions made, but on the whole and in general Anet has put the players and their concerns first when there was a unified voice.

Now, me and grandpa already spent our two hundred dollars without even discussing it. There was no question in our minds, but some people aren’t as lucky as us. And, understandably, you may feel jipped about the benefits if you can only do the standard edition.

But, please consider how you’re conducting yourselves when discussing your displeasure and consider all the options available to you before you go on a “kitten” filled rant.

Your first option is to just nicely and respectfully lay out your qualms and a suitable compromise Anet could do with you. Variations of this include campaigning with your mates for Veteran Perks to be added to the standard package just as Newbe Perk includes the core game.

The second is…wait. There are sales all the time. Fume to yourself and take a break until a sale comes along.

What are some more?

The reason I put this in the terms of what You can do is because there isn’t a person or business on this planet which owes you squat. You bought GW2. They gave you the game. Transaction completed. Anything else they have provided you since then is a perk which you’re receiving for no reason other than they’re being nice.

I’m grateful to Anet because in the history of my transactions with them, my expectations of what I would receive, Anet as given us a butt load of perks for no bloody reason. Compared to the monthly kitten we experienced at the hands of Bliztard and the complete mockery they did to us after taking our money? Anet is a goshdurned angel of heaven. Frack, the Mafia can be accurately labeled as Saints compared to Blizz.

Work together to solve your issues with HoT pricing and benefits…because if it was anyone else, in my experience, they would have prison showered us and laughed on their way to the commissary about it.

This is opinion based and completely without worth or value. I owe you nothing if you wasted time reading it. Have a great evening!