Showing Posts For assassinated.2870:

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: assassinated.2870


This is a nice improvement – as people said, please allow us to set a sliding scale of FOV not just make this a toggle (as the latter would be less helpful).

Client crashes: Memory at address 00000000 could not be read

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: assassinated.2870


ntdll errors mean you have a hardware error. It doesn’t mean your hardware is bad, it can be a coding issue (drivers), it can be a problem with how something is coded within the game, or it can be genuinely faulty hardware. Anything which results in your hardware going bonkers and crashing, basically. Unfortunately windows is not more specific than that, but maybe that will help for perspective? That can potentially include things like: game download being corrupted, running something in the background which is causing an issue, overheating your graphics card, etc.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: assassinated.2870


@developers of GW2:

maybe keep an eye on the problems noted at ? (The winehq tracker for GW2), There seems to be a variety of issues on linux that I can see clearly would affect every other OS as well.