Showing Posts For audiprabian.2851:

Style Variation in Outfits and Weapons Design

in Suggestions

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


This isn’t exactly a major issue, but it’ll be nice if it is somehow addressed in future patch/expansion.

Despite the title of the topic, I am not denying the fact that GW2 offers a lot of gears with different looks; however most of them seem to be a little monotonic in their “style”, and that is: spikes, long coats, extravagance, and so on and so on. It is a good thing that majority of people likes these kind of look.

However, I am one of a few (maybe) minority that aims for a sleek, combat-ready outfit that doesn’t look like it hinders movements in battle.

It’s a bit hard to create these kind of look with the current sets of gears. I’ve had success with two of my characters, but it does take lots of work and time adjusting comparing, and combining one set with the others. (I attached the pic of my chars)

So I hope Arenanet looked into my suggestion and see what they can do about it. It is much appreciated, because I know you guys haven’t let us, the players, down since the release of the game. :9


“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

Looking for a casual/social guild on TC

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


Hey convoite! Did you just say a guild with people around 18-20-ish age doesn’t exist in Tarnished Coast? Hahaha well guess what, looks like someone from the said guild just about to reply to you!

Check out Raiders of the Mist [RAID]! We are a 33 people strong guild and we do just about everything – although we have to say that we are keen WvW fighters and Dungeon raiders. Although we do have a solid (yet simple) leadership hierarchy, we are generally a very chilled group of folks. Our leadership members are pretty much still stuck in college, so you’ll get to interact a lot with people much like you. :9

It’s great to know that you’re a regular WvW player – we could use all the help we can to make a difference to our server – which are currently on the rise! (spare me the details about Blackgate :6)

you can check our website for more information. If it sparked your interest to join, PM me or imbalancedhero.3986 for an invitation request; we’ll get you right on the track immediately!

See you in the raid,

Raider-Captain of Raiders of the Mist
Audi Prabian

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

Looking for guild on Gandara

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


Hey Alex! You might want to check out Raiders of the Mist [RAID]. We are based in the Tarnished Coast server, and currently is 33 people strong (and growing).

We do a little bit of everything, but we are mainly keen WvW fighters and dungeon raiders! We have a generally helpful leaderships that will help you in almost anything (our leadership rank consist of specialists in every aspect of the game, you name it: SPvP, Dungeon, WvW, Crafting, etc). All it takes is a simple “hey I need help with—” in the guild chat, and we will help you straight after.

We would appreciate any additional firepower to our ranks; as we are working on an ambitious project to create an elite spec-ops squad for WvW. Maybe you and your friend could help us?

If I sparked your interest, visit for more information about our guild (check out the forums too!). And if when you decided that you and your friends want to join us – feel free to contact me or imbalancedhero.3968 (our seeker-captain); and we will send you an invitation a.s.a.p.

See you in the raid,

Raider-Captain of Raiders of the Mist
Audi Prabian

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)

Aussie LF Guild - Any server.

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


Hey hypnotika! You might want to check out Raiders of the Mist [RAID]; although we are not an exclusively oceanic guild, but our leaderships are filled with mostly Ozzies (Sydneysiders to be exact)! We do a little bit of everything, but we are mostly keen dungeon raiders and WvW fighters.

You can check our website for more information.

We’re based on Tarnished Coast btw. :9 You can PM me or imbalancedhero.3968 if you’re interested.

See you in the raid,

Raider-Captain of Raiders of the Mist
Audi Prabian

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)

TARNISHED COAST PvX Guild - Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


Raiders of the Mist is a growing guild in the Tarnished Coast server. We have increased our membership from 28 people the beginning of the week 10/15/2012 to 33 people on Friday 10/19/2012

Are you a newbie looking for a guild to stick around with? To learn a thing or two from?

The Raiders welcome you. The Vice-Captain (our operational leaders) rank is structured in such a way that it is filled with people with at least one specialization. We have crafting enthusiast, sPvP enthusiast, dungeon enthusiast, WvW enthusiast, even exploration enthusiast!

You got a question? Ask the vice-captains in the guild chat and (at least) one of them will guide you to the best of their abilities in your endeavour of curiosity.

Our guild also provide you the service of master crafters of ALL PROFESSIONS. This way, you don’t have to waste your precious gold investing in a crafting profession that you wouldn’t use forever. Just nudge one of our master crafter to make you the item you want; they will be more than happy to help you.

Are you an experienced player looking for the right guild to hang around with?

The Raiders welcome you. We are most delighted to receive a membership from keen players who want to dedicate their personal skill into a greater cause.

We are currently in a PROJECT to create our own World vs. World special operations squad – with its rank filled with seasoned SPvP players who have the capability of a killing machine – able to take on a larger group than theirs. If you are into sPvP and WvW then you are looking at the right guild! We shall help bring victory to the TARNISHED COAST people against the monstrosity of the top servers! (oh yes we are quite nationalistic too, hehe.)

PvE enthusiasts won’t be left behind; we frequently organizes dungeon raids of all dungeons. Some of our earliest member probably call these dungeons "home* already – just because they are so familiar with it. So tag along with them – clear a dungeon in the most effective and efficient way. Take with you honor and glory (read: tokens, yellow items, and lodestones), and return to the realm better than ever!

In short, we are not recruiting anyone specific of skills, professions, class, etc et al ad infinitum. We are a friendly and casual guild dedicated to you; your glory; and most of all – the fun and enjoyment of playing Guild Wars 2!

Private message me or imbalancedhero.3968 (our Seeker-Captain) if you’re interested to join Raiders of the Mist! Or even reply to this thread if you want – I’ll make sure you get an invite a.s.a.p from me or one of our vice-captains.

we have an official website and a forum too to check out:

our official VoIP software:
(its a pretty epic software, cant believe almost nobody uses it!)

I’ll see you in the raid,

Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist
Audi Prabian

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)

Looking for a "New Players" guild on Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


hey lisamee! Someone like you might want to join our Tarnished Coast guild; Raiders of the Mist [RAID]. We are not exclusively filled with new players – but the members of our guild are keen guides who will not mind guiding their members the how-to in almost everything. The leadership of our guild is structured in such a way that they are specialists in at least one branch of GW2 gameplay aspect (SPvP, Dungeon, WvW, Crafting)…

…oh and dont worry, we’re all active in guild chat.

In short, we provide the best community for newcomers – but still a heck of fun to hang out with when you advanced to the top of the ladder.

Check out for more information; and PM me or imbalancedhero.3968 if you’re interested and we will welcome you to the Raiders on the spot. :9

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

Looking for a guild on Tarnished Coast

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


Hey ellye! You might want to check Raiders of the Mist [RAID] out! We’re an active casual PvX guild on Tarnished Coast and our members consist of both pros and noobs. We are a 31 people strong guild and we have a solid organizational structure. We do a little bit of everything, but more than anything – are keen WvW fighters and Dungeon raiders!

Check out and PM me or imbalancedhero.3968 if you’re interested :9

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)

Mesmer & Warr lf small scale wvw guild

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


hey there! we would be more than delighted to welcome you in Raiders of the Mist [RAID]. We are a growing guild mainly focusing on WvW and dungeons, and will welcome anyone of any profession to join – mainly because we need more firepower on our raids! We are keen to defend the reputation of our server, seeing that it has risen from a bottom feeder to a top rank!

Check for information. Or you can message audiprabian.2851 and imbalancedhero.3968 for more detailed info.


“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

Looking for a WvW centered guild [Tarnished Coast]

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


hey there! we would be more than delighted to welcome you in Raiders of the Mist [RAID]. We are a growing guild mainly focusing on WvW and dungeons, and will welcome anyone of any profession to join – mainly because we need more firepower on our raids! We are keen to defend the reputation of our server, seeing that it has risen from a bottom feeder to a top rank!

Check for information. Or you can message audiprabian.2851 and imbalancedhero.3968 for more detailed info.


“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

Raiders of the Mist [RAID] Tarnished Coast Oceanic Based Guild Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


visit our official website for further information. We have forums for discussion too. :9

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

WvW matchup balancing

in WvW

Posted by: audiprabian.2851


nah, the problem is that we do a 7 days WvW now. We never had this problem when the time span of the round is 24 hours.

In a 7 days WvW, a match is screwed when one server dominates the map in the first day – and hence the next 6 days will be filled with futile attempts of the other two server to even try gaining solid ground.

Previously in a 24 hours WvW; EVEN when eventually one server gains dominance over the map, the day is almost over and the round will reset the next day. Hence everyone will find themselves in a match where they can still contribute significantly.

I suggest Arenanet restructure the WvW back into 24 hours – or even 48 hours and 72 hours. No more, though.

“Reality is Easy, Deception’s the hard work.”
Raider-Captain of the Raiders of the Mist [RAID]

(edited by audiprabian.2851)