Showing Posts For awesomeanonymous.4285:

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


This is a really great analysis. I appreciate all the work you put into this. We recognize the problems that the season 2 matchmaking is causing and are looking into solutions that will provide a good experience and satisfy our goals for the league system.

OMG Anet is actually listening and appears to care? TY

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


sorry for typos. wouldn’t it not kitten ROFL

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


I agree that always even 50% win/loss is stupid also. but random teamates of same division would eliminate all complaints, wouldn’kitten roll a 20 and get a good team, roll a 10 get aneven match, roll a 1 and get ganked. Any D&D player would agree LOL.

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


Oh yea my other account is Kilter.9614 btw if anyone cares lol

The nature of MMR hell

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


Wow thanks alot!!!!! I have 5000 plus games of experience playing GW2 pvp and cannot win a match as I am in mmr hell. I almost always play mesmer. I rated 32 on first old style leader board. I was 76 on second board but had low win ratio with account “1”. My kids account had HOT so I began using it as I cannot afford HOT for both accounts and wanted to try using chrono during season 1.I got nearly to diamond grinding PUG matches. I always PUG as I find it more relaxing and do not want to TS with kids when I am 50 years old. Season 2 I began season with 38 game losing streak. but as I am an avid player so I continued until I realized the mmr was ruining my game so I quit playing. during this time the best I could do was to win 10% of matches. I literally played 150 matches and could not gain a tier in sapphire, so I sat in lobby yellinkittenanet until they actually removed my tongue and would not allow me to speak in say chat LOL. Then I began to just run to mid and wait to die until that seemed pointless then I quit playing and got very depressed in real life. Thank you so much for crunching the stats. the end game of being abused is to blame one’s self for the abuse. I don’t go there as I believe in myself but was nearly there. I was bored tonite so I checked the chats and saw this and am relieved to see scientific basis for the MMR hell. Thank you again andkittenAnet.

The fate of the Leaderboard [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: awesomeanonymous.4285


why is there no leaderboard???
it couldnt take that much time to reset it. All pvp is currently unranked without a board. I love pvp, but like to see progress on the board!