Showing Posts For baltes.6379:

What happens to a guild after a world transfer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: baltes.6379


you confirm that yes, if I move the builds will move with me?
or that we are screwed and have to leave everything behind?

What happens to a guild after a world transfer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: baltes.6379


I created a guild and many friends have joined, several were already on a different server.
Everyone else wants to move to the other world, but I read that guild purchases and builds are world specific.
So as the creator of the guild, If I move to another world will everything the guild has built/is building move as well?

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: baltes.6379


where are we suppoed to post our problems with this? my post on THIS issue was moved to a “crash” topic, i’m not having crashing problems, i’m having low fps.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: baltes.6379


I will preface this by saying that even when the game dips to 30fps I am impressed and amazed at how smooth, how fluid, how flawless the game is running on my system. I don’t see the fps drop if there is any when in battles, when alot is happening on screen, when around large amounts of players, etc.

with that said I know that this game should run better on my system, the game hardly touches my FX-8120@3.9ghz and even at max settings my HD 6870 never sees above 77% utilization.
the first screenshot I have provided is the game at lowest settings
the second screenshot is the game at maximum settings.
