Showing Posts For baron.3679:

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: baron.3679


So I realize you won’t discuss my ban but my questions are more informative. I purchased the game on Saturday, played twice for maybe 4 hours total and was banned for gold selling on Tuesday.

Not being able to log into my account I can’t tell if it was hacked and used for gold things or if I was just unfairly banned. So I set out to the internet intent on calling support to get this issue resolved. Yet I find no phone number. I finally find a “form” if you will call it that to support but in the email I recieved automatically it is hard to judge if the right information even went through.

I’m not used to free games no support. In all my previous experience there was at least a number I could sit on hold for a few hours on. Is there anything I can do besides just hope my issue was submitted?

My last question is in regards to my ban itself. Are these computer generated bans or manual bans by a person. I don’t see any way my lvl 8 or 9 guy is gonna get manually banned if someone actually looked at the account. The two times I played I ran around lost like I had my head cut off besides when my two friends helped me. I’m not going to cry over 65 dollars but I am disappointed in the service or lack there of available. I hope in the future there is a better way to resolve issues.

Thank you in advance for your reply.