Showing Posts For basjubowe.1024:

Baruch vs Piken vs Augury

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Why am I funny?

Because RG “sick of 100 man blobs” and went to server with biggest blobs ever? xDD

And you count 100 guys here ? Hum…

Still hoping AR goes on T4, sick of all those petty comments and attitudes.

And you’ll have the same in T4. Every one in every Tier see blobs everywhere

@Snowstorm.3897 : Yes it was a fun evening , despite the lag… Nevertheless, we (ACSK) were not as good as we should be (a bit tired maybe :p ), but be sure we always run on our own

Looking forward for nice fights during this week.

See you…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Nice fights on PS bl last night. We had to avoid the infamous RS starcruiser… but the whole prime was fun exept that point

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Piken Square Vs Gandara Vs Augury Rock x3!

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Thank you to PS and Ganda for funny fights in EB, yesterday evening! Sometimes there were blobing and sometimes there were small (or very small ^^) scale fights, and both were fun.

See you…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


They dont necessarily have the organisation to compete and so die alot, but in the past couple of weeks they never stop coming out to fight.

Think how demoralizing it must be getting wiped time and again, yet they get back up again and rinse repeat. so fair game to Viz.

I just remember the IRON vs WL GvG streaming….and how, you guys, have been perfectly defeated (8-2, right ? :p). So, please don’t speak about your “epic open- field skillz”, you’re just ridiculous.


PS: and it’s not necessary to taunt me about my own guild. We don’t play in the same category. (only 3 day/week for us)

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


That’s funny because i usually run with a raid between 10 and 25 mates. Sometimes less, but NEVER more. What a big Zerg !!!…

And yes, we on VS have always nightcapped. I’ll not deny it, it’s the truth. We have a lot of night players (and i’m one of them sometimes). Would we been able to ask them to stop playing to let you “have fun” ? The answer is : No, we couldn’t.

But this night force was not organized in this old time (the 24h matchups), we just had no resistance…

The thing that NA guilds have forced us to learn, is organization of this night shift to counter them.

Regarding the “Monobus-Zerg-<insert what you want>”, i can ensure you that we were the firsts to rage about it when some guilds like GF, Nugos or ZDs came with there 50+ men turttle… (this is just some exemple, not a “forum-war delaration”…)

And this poor Zerging tactic, was applied by all our ennemis since this time… (exept some guilds like RG, for exemple, which had their own tactics…)

Our server has simply adapted his gamestyle to this situation… no more…

I tried to be objective in my post, so please try to also do it in your answers and don’t accuse us about things that we have not introduced in T1…


PS: Sorry for my english yet…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


We at [VcY] love Vizunah, they are the best money farm there is. We killed 600 people in 1 hour. My loot bags were constant full. Made 10g that raid.

So don’t think we hate you Vizu and we’ll miss farming you at spawn next week. Will be a lot less money.

And Elona, having a great time with you guys on SFR border this night and last night.
Fireworks all the way, taking your tower without capping it :p, attacking Vizu when they cap your tower and break the gate so you guys could claim. Was awesome, best fun I had in WvW.

ps.: Vizu you guys on a brake? We can’t find your big zergs anymore.

Sure…Chuck Norris has to learn from you…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


the Deso SFR and Elona can have a nice match in T2

Fixed :p

@Mizu.9387. Thanks for your comment ! You were also good defenders

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Viznuah Square vs Elona Reach vs SFR

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Hello there !
Where are you all ?!

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


We, on VS, have never used some pitiful “strategies” like this one… maybe some individuals, but i can’t believe that a 20 man guild has migrated to SFR for that.

So, i repeat, please give me a screenshot or any proof about this. But i think i’ll never see it…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


VS strategy in a nutshell:

-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling some more
-More culling abuse
-Spend some time thinking they are good
-Resume abuise of culling.

You forgot that they send a 20 man guild to transfer to SFR to afk at EB JP … that’s so bad

Sure….and obviously, you took a screenshot of that ?

Poor little thing…

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


basjubowe. “fail meta server” BT won Tier 1 4 times, Viz 5 times since weeklong matchups. Pretty low percentage if you compare to how long the respective servers were in tier 1.

Just a matter of perspective. o/

Wrong. We did 9 times, but nice try. Next.

Weeks 40, 41, 44, 50 and 52. Read what I said, not overall wins, place 1 in the weeklong match. Next.

We were not speaking about the same thing. I spoke about 1st EU ladder. And yup we take it 9 times since the weeklong matchups.

So you are right. BT wons 4 T1 matchs…then failed down and seems to continue to ( -71.070 :s)

You just illustrated what i said. You all came with your arrogance then goes out of T1 few weeks later when VS is still there

In fact when i think about you all (VS killerz), i remember this advertising :

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

(edited by basjubowe.1024)

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


basjubowe. “fail meta server” BT won Tier 1 4 times, Viz 5 times since weeklong matchups. Pretty low percentage if you compare to how long the respective servers were in tier 1.

Just a matter of perspective. o/

Wrong. We did 9 times, but nice try. Next.

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


The only think to take in account in this story is the fact that SFR, just like all the other, “VS-killa-meta-servers” since the game beginning, will maybe hold the EU T1 for some poor weeks, and then will fall down to be replaced by another one. And again, and again, and again…

To SFR’s players :

Please try to understand us. Your goal is to put VS out of the T1. It’s your motivating challenge and i respect it.

But for us ? 1st eu ? we made it many times. Holding T1 ? ok, next…

Now our only challenge is to bet on the time you’ll stay in T1, and make you raging on forums.

Cheers from VS.

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Unbalanced? With your loyal serveant Arborstone FR? Yes i agree is unbalanced.

Man don’t be stupid please… Our loyal servant ? When they are attacking us on east garrison when you are attacking us on West, on the three past days ?

Yes, we tried to make an alliance at the start of this match (i’ll not deny it, this is the truth), but believe me, that alliance was broken very early in the match.
From monday, both VS and AS have backstab each other…

If you don’t believe me and if at least you know to read french, i invit you to visit some french commnity forums to be sure of the friendship between AS and VS lol.

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

(edited by basjubowe.1024)

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


[Edit] This is juste a RP thread to close this matchup and say that even if we are tired, or even exhausted for some of us. We’ll fight until the end!

We are still ahead at the moment, and we’ll give our best to win that match (and we will !). But at which price ? Fighting against multi-timezones server, with only EU players is an interesting chalenge – and we are proud to be still able to win that unbalanced match – but we’ll obviously not being able to handle that sleeping rythm for a long time.

Here is the point.

[Edited by CC: Removed quote from a deleted post]

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

(edited by Moderator)

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Tonight all our past ennemies are looking in the same direction. We will try our best to show the European servers that there is light among Ruins. The fight is possible and Desolation can be beaten.

What do you can be beaten ? Our server is half your servers population, if you guys cannot win then its a big fail on your side :P, we on the other hand have nothing to lose.

Dude, be honest a second please.
Your server is full, so i don’t know by which miracle VS can be more populated than DS.

In addition, yes if we win this match, this will be a very great victory by taking into account the fact than we have countered your US night crew by only organizing our FR timezone teams.

Don’t read any whine here, I don’t. This is juste the facts. You have an US night team that we have not, and FOR THAT, yes this will be a great victory.

Please, learn to recognize the value of your enemies instead of bashing them, all the time.

PS: And please….don’t taunt me about my bad english, this is not my native language and i do the effort at least.

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


I think this one is much appropriate

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


I just laughed reading the Desolation’s answers on this thread.
I’m from VS and I remember a month ago… I totaly understood why you recruited US guilds, it’s because you’re soooooo weak in EU prime time….

Dudes…you were tourists in our matchup, we had the choice between you and the quaggans camps on our free time.

So now i say just gratz to RUIN to put you on T1 by fighting against the doors but in fact you are still poor players and i’ll be happy to kick your butt next week

See you

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

Vizunah Square vs Arborstone vs Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: basjubowe.1024


Please don’t generalize.

Not all the players (by far) are accusing Elona to cheat. SOME of VS players have seen few exemples of cheat/exploit used by SOME of Elona’s players, that’s all. And maybe – surely…- some of VS players have already used the same.

We don’t think that all the Elona’s players are cheaters. That’s wrong, and we know it.

Unfortunately, the large majority of the ones who post on the french forum are frustrated boys who don’t accept they lost their 1st EU rank and are looking for excuses.

And in my oppinion, this is the same guys who whine about the AS’s nightcap (lol ? We did it for 1 month, guys…).

Regarding the germans holidays, we were thinking they started earlier but at the evidence it was not the truth. And even it was the case, it’s the game

By the way, i think the matchup is actually balanced in primetime and VS still merits his place in D1, so please don’t flame us too much from your side too

…and sorry for my english

Jübax [Warrior]
Archas Sa’ruk [ACSK]

(edited by basjubowe.1024)