Showing Posts For bazookaboy.6489:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bazookaboy.6489


Walkz, it means that your ticket has moved onto the next stage of review/solution. It is a default message since the game does not have built into it a message of “yes you are possibly innocent, we apologize for any inconvenience for your lost play time, sorry to make you wait, review in process”. I just received this message as well, after trying to log in when i “replied” to their email (automated message) with the information that they requested.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bazookaboy.6489


It is nearing the 72 hours now since my account was banned. This is how i picture this event as happening if

it was to be made into a movie/commercial:

Person walks into a store and buys an awesome shirt, the shirt says on it “no returns after purchase”. Honestly the person doesn’t care because they love the shirt and have heard of others claiming how amazing it is. So the person wears the shirt with pride for a couple of months, telling everyone he/she meets that it is the most incredible shirt they have ever had. One day a faceless employee of the manufacturer of the shirt company comes and takes the shirt off of their back, they hand the person a piece of paper saying “if you want your shirt back, come wait in line at this address”. The person is confused but proceeds to goto the address and sees a very long line of other shirtless people waiting in front of a tall building with a single door.
The building also has a single window 5 stories up near the top of the building. Through this window they can see their shirt. The person waits a few days, talking occassionally to the others standing in line, they hear that others have been there for days and even weeks. Eventually the window opens and a faceless person yells
to the crowd “why are you here?”. The person yells with the crowd “we want our shirt back”. The window closes. A few days later it opens again and a faceless person yells to the crowd “why are you here?”. Again the person yells with the crowd “we want our shirt back!”. The window closes, this goes on for awhile and eventually one shirt falls to the ground and someone is made happy again. The person begins to wonder if it is all worth it…

As a cutomer service representative i find that story a little disgusting. If “I” were to be involved with that manufacturers practice I would likely be fired for treating my customers this way. If one of my customers had to go through this experience they would unlikely return to purchasing anything from this company. Also it is entirely possible that they would tell others NOT to purchase anything from that company.
This is really unfortunate because I have already praised the game since its release, every monday i goto work and tell my friends/associates that they really have to play this awesome game! This monday when i am at work i will probably say the opposite to those i know or meet.

Well time to beg and plee like everyone else here. Please overlords and masters can i have my shirt/game account back! I will promise i will not goto cursed shore in your game, i promise i will not run by any bots in the game, i promise i will not report any spam/bots in the future, i promise i will buy more gem cards and expansions for the game in the future, i promise i will be on my best behaviour.

Incident: 121109-000673
game purchased through wallmart (canada)
disconnected after arriving at cursed shore and had just leveled a character to 80.
before being disconnected, i noticed a nearby “player” typing something with zeros and ones and then my character did a hiccup of some sort and then was kicked out.

Yes i am slightly annoyed, no i dont use bot software (why would i? the game is easy and fun without some lazy sort of way of exploiting the game), yes i afk sometimes to do real life things.

Ban counter

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bazookaboy.6489


Yep, game kicked me out when i had just “dinged” level 80 in cursed shore. Was all ready to celebrate when wham, bam, thank ya arenanet – kicked out and received the same bot error as everyone here. Funny thing is that I have been reading these forums to keep busy for the last 2 days after i created my ticket on Friday at 12:00am, and the amount of people that say that we are all probably botters, disturbs me. I really, really hope that those people (saying we are all bots) get falsely banned as well so that they can waste their time reading the forums, waiting for an email, and not having the enjoyment of playing a game that We payed for. This game is so easy to level up in and make relatively ok gold that I am not sure why anyone would need a program to level up their characters for them, that’s just plain laziness. I miss checking out the awesome scenery, the great combat system, discovering new and exciting stuff. The game is truly amazing in comparison to the 10+ years i have been playing other mmos, its just too bad that this entire disaster is tainting my view of the game and the company that runs it. Guilty until proven innocent i guess (Banned Friday November 9th at approximately 12:00am, server: sanctum of rall, dynamic events in cursed shore, after just hitting level 80).

About banned account that got it restored

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bazookaboy.6489


I am still waiting for account to be restored, 24 hours after getting kicked from the game and getting the bot message thing. I know in the future that i will be hesitant to report anyone for botting and/or spamming in fear that they may respond somehow with a bot report on me. I will probably avoid cursed shore, which is when it happened since i just had turned level 80 and wanted to check out the action in the zone. I will likely just park my butt in lions arch and watch all the other players go about their daily routines in fear that when i actually step out into the other zones some “kid or bot or whoever” will likely report innocent players, like myself, just trying to enjoy the game (exploring, leveling, resource gathering). Meanwhile, while i wait for the ban to lift, i have managed to tidy my house, take my dog for a couple of walks, went shopping, etc…silver lining to everything i guess, lol.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: bazookaboy.6489


Kicked out of the game last night. Received the same message as people on these forums for botting. Not only do I NOT bot but i make an extra effort to report botters and spammers. Same as the innocent people writing on these forums, I dodge roll alot, try to finish map completions of zones. Perform crafting, help out guildies, help out in map chat, purchase materials and items from the trading post. If i am supposed to be a bot then I am one hell of a program i guess…