Showing Posts For bbark.7125:

New Patch Trait Question

in Profession Balance

Posted by: bbark.7125


So this might be a repeat and I am sorry if it is, but I was basically looking forward to the whole explore to get your traits like we used to do in GW1. In anticipation of this I created a new character and used a scroll to get him to level 20 before patch day.

After logging in on patch day i noticed all my other characters already had their traits unlocked because they were made pre-patch, even the ones that were only level 40.

so my question is, when i get to level 30 will my new character have all of the traits unlocked because he was pre-patch? I never touched traits on him before the patch. Didn’t even buy the adept book.

thanks in advance for any help.

Asura Head Problems

in Asura

Posted by: bbark.7125


So im not sure if its just me, but has anyone else noticed that sometimes when the asura run their head drops into their chest?

it might be my armor or maybe something with elementalist, but sometimes my neck definitely disappears and my head is in my body. Anyone know of a fix?

sorry if its a repost

minions are not as bad as you think

in Necromancer

Posted by: bbark.7125


I love minions, i jumped in a few games after the patch and owned with them. I think the reason they do so well is because they aren’t a “viable” build, meaning nobody on the forums like them, so nobody knows how to counter it and they just freeze up =)