Showing Posts For berusko.4657:

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: berusko.4657


So, i was having this problems for 2 weeks in a row, all days at same time. Took a 5 days break expecting this to be fixed, but no it’s not.
I had such a awesome experience in GW 1, i was expecting so much more from Anet, so wrong.. Not even one word about this.
Ohh! Nvm, you guys are busy making a Mac client -.-

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: berusko.4657


What the hell, seriously? It’s the 9th day in a row i lag, no word from Anet, i’m getting reallykitten off.
I expected so much of this game, what a dissapointement..

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: berusko.4657


The Lag is still here… Cmon do something about it :s 6 days already, some ppl have been suffering from this for even longer.
It sucks that only affects a few amount of ppl, really weird..

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: berusko.4657


C’mon it’s like the 4th day in a row same stuff, can i play the game i paid for? At least ANet should give us a word about this topic, are you guys even working on this? I’m a hardcore player and i need to play/my team is counting on me.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: berusko.4657


- Able to see Hp bars above players head.
- Reduce the waiting time on Spvp from 5mins to 2mins
- Option to re-sell an item whitin 2minutes to the npc and get the gold/badges/karma back (this would avoid a massive spamm on your support)
- Option to see the Hp in numbers or percentage

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: berusko.4657


Having same lag problems, is not all day, but at the peak hours. Delay goes from 1 up to15 seconds maybe even more sometimes.
Really sucks, been like this the last 3days, can’t play with my Spvp team because of this -.-
FPS are fine. And the lag is just in Guild Wars 2.