Showing Posts For bestestnoob.3856:

Help with builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Hello everyone. Right now im a berserker warrior my traits are 30, 0,0 10, 30. I havent played in a while thought so im wondering if this build is still useful or if there is a new berserker build.
Also for someone who hasnt being playing gw2 for too long im wondering if anyone could help me with a build that doesnt make me die as much in a dungeon but still does pretty good damage. It seems that when i get ganged up on im not able to survive like other people using berserker builds, i guess im not as funded as them?
I really hate being that annoying guy whos always dying you know?
Can anyone tell me if i should keep berserker or change to the type of build i described up there? Thank you.

Can anyone help me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


They won’t show up in the Black Lion Trading Company interface as all Ascended weapons are untradeable. The link goes through how to make one.

One question because i just saw the diff colors mean diff stats, im a berserker warrior, i got 30, 0, 0, 10, 30. So which stat other than power should be in my greatsword for best dmg?

Can anyone help me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


You can’t unspend points – but every single time you level up you will get more skill points. Once you hit level 80 you will continue to earn skill points for each level up and it doesn’t take that long to level up each time so you will get up to 50 points in no time.
Also I would suggest taking a look at Ascended Weapons just in case because it would be unfortunate to slough through the creation of an exotic weapon only to have to begin to create an ascended or legendary afterwards. (Exotic weapons are not uncommon in FoTM and aren’t too expensive on the trading post so purchasing rather than crafting one may be a better idea.

i have tried to look for ascended but through the filters it never gives me anything :/

Can anyone help me?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Im wondering if there is a way that i can “unspend” skill points. Like is there a scroll that resets skill points? I need 50 points to make my first exotic greatsword and i have some skills that i dont need so im wondering if i can unspend those points?

P.S sorry if im on the wrong place to make this thread

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Are you kidding?

Waypoints and Portals make perfect sense in the lore of Tyria.
Asura technology since GuildWars 1.

Mounts don’t make any sense to have in the lore.
Tryia NEVER had mounts to begin with.

Have you seen any NPCs ride a horse or a lion? whatever… -_-

They do make sense, i never said they didnt and that they should be taken off. What i mean is that if this game is all about exploring, why not get a mount to do so with? Also if i complete a quest, i dont want to be spending my pay on traveling…
Second just because GW1 never had mounts doesnt mean GW2 has to have no mounts. I mean its a new game not GW1 2.0 its supposed to have new things. if it didnt have new things you think people would be playing it? No because it would be another GW1.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


I really think there should be mounts. Some people say that because we have asura gates and waypoints it makes no sense to have them. But really its not like your mount will get u half way across the map in seconds like the waypoints and asura gates. Itll simply increase your speed." if you wanna increase your speed then use a buff". Its not all about speed, it makes role playing ( for those who like it) more fun.
This can also be optional. For example it can be sold for karma, those who wish can purchase and those who dont can keep traveling by waypoints.
Im sure im not the only one who wants mounts and these can even be as simple as horses. No armored lions with flaming paws and stuff like that.
I really hope mounts can be introduce because they would make some peoples gameplay more enjoyable.

Please help a newb out

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Hey so im pretty recent to the game and id like to know what other types of build there is for warrior, so far i only Berserker but id like to know others because maybe im missing out on other builds which could be better or more fun etc. So my question is what types of build there is for warrior. If possible please provide as much detail of it: best utility skills to go with it, weapons, trait distribution, stats for armor etc.
Thank you in advance.

I think Anet may have gotten lazy on

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


How about guardians and their spam of walls/domes?… also invuln and block healing

Well i havent played a guardian but anything that wastest a skill spot for something that repeated on every weapon should get changed. Like example if you have a wall with the sword and a wall with the mace and a wall with anything else then it should get changed to something else

I think Anet may have gotten lazy on

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Some of the warrior skills… I mean how many blocks do you need? It really bothers me that warriors have more than 4 blocks. One with maces, sword, spear, and shield. I understand the shield block i mean its whakittens used for. But the fact we have 3 more its dumb because we could have gotten a more useful or nicer skills.
I also wish the added a bit more spice to warrior by changing some skills. Example the adrenaline skill for the greatsword its boring sometimes it makes me not want to use it. I mean i have 100% adrenaline and all i get to use is a slash? You guys could have done better why not a ground smash? Or something that looks less wimpy.
Hope people can agree with my opinions and help warriors get those skills changed.

There should be race/class based mounts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


If they ever included mounts, it would most likely be for show; the reason being once you have the WP’s, you’re mostly supposed to rely on them. If they’ do ever add them, they’ll probably be bought from the Gem Store.

There would be no speed-buffs, and like I said, merely just for show.

I think they had a ride-able witches broom that acted like a mount without a speed increase, though I can’t be sure.

Yea i didnt mean for the to have speed increases, just for something cool to have and ride on if youre bored of traveling on foot. It also makes it more fun for those people who like to role play.

There should be race/class based mounts!

in Suggestions

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


I had already made this topic but on the wrong place****

Does anyone agree with me? This is not a complaint, i just think having mounts would be cool. Imo though they should be realistic mounts. Not like in other games, where we see Cerberus covered in fire and lava and all that. Instead a horse or maybe you could even start up with a Moa and build your way up to a nice black stallion or mystical creature that isnt exaggerated; this would just kill the games class.
Im 100% sure arena net will make this possible eventually i mean we cant get it all in the beginning and have them run out of content to show us.
Anyways discuss ideas of mounts down below

There should be class/race based mounts!

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


What this have to do with warriors?.

Im sorry is just i dont seem to find a “general” place to post it, so i posted it here since my character is a warrior. Could you please tell me where i can post this type of posts?

There should be class/race based mounts!

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Does anyone agree with me? This is not a complaint, i just think having mounts would be cool. Imo though they should be realistic mounts. Not like in other games, where we see Cerberus covered in fire and lava and all that. Instead a horse or maybe you could even start up with a Moa and build your way up to a nice black stallion or mystical creature that isnt exaggerated; this would just kill the games class.
Im 100% sure arena net will make this possible eventually i mean we cant get it all in the beginning and have them run out of content to show us.
Anyways discuss ideas of mounts down below

Need help with my warrior build

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Hello, im only a couple of months into the game and id like help with a warrior build which focuses on hp and damage. So a build where i wont be dying so often and where ill be doing considerate amount of damage.
Can anyone tell me how i could achieve this type of build?

Correct me if im wrong: Your type of build is based on you traits? or traits and equipment?

Is this normal?

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


What are you stats? Meaning, what armor you using, trait distribution, utilities, etc. So, our friends can help you.

well im a noob so idk what to say. Im using level 18 armors with +4 power or +3 power. i havent added to traits because im not yet sure how they work so thats empty.

Is this normal?

in Warrior

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


So im a level 20 warrior but i die really often. I usually survive 1on1 combat against a mob, but when there is two involved ill most likely fall or die. I can only really succeed if the monsters are 2 or 3 levels under. For example today i was going up against 2 bandits level 22 and 23 and died and fell… Am i dooing something wrong? Should i be choosing equips with vitality over equips with power from story line quests? Is there something i can do to avoid dying as often?
If it helps im using lvl 14 two handed sword and bow, could it be im doing too little damage and therefor i die?
Please help a noobie out, thanks.

Wayfarer Hermits Watch Skillpoint

in Norn

Posted by: bestestnoob.3856


Hello, so i was just trying to complete the wayfarer map but i cant acquire the skill point on hermits wach. ive already defeated the son of svanir like 4 times yet i dont get the skill point. Does anyone know whats going on T^T?