Only post once in this thread
Include the names of any affected characters on your account
Include the story step you were on before you skipped content or were put on a different story branch. There are three points where your story can skip or be changed:
lv 30 story: at the point where you choose an organization (Vigil, Durmand Priory, Order of Whispers.
lv 40 story: at the point when you choose a race to help (Quaggan, Skritt, Hylek, Grawl, Ogres).
lv 70 story: at the point when you choose your greatest fear (leave a friend to suffer; be responsible for the death of an innocent; fail at something and lose the respect of my comrades).
Do not post in this thread to ask for updates or make unrelated comments.
Account: Ohmydhaliwal
Quest: level 62 Human (After killing the dragon reset her to 26)