Showing Posts For blademael.2348:

The New GW2 Flavor Rocks!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blademael.2348


+ 1 to the OP

I was wondering why so many people were searching others to get in the latest dongeon exept for new contents, didnt knew about the new armor, and now I think i will stop playing.

I was trying to get the full exotic karma armor thinking it was the “best” max armor of the game, but now I dont have the time to waist on another type of armor just to get invited in group to do dongeon.

When I saw ascended armor I thought it was like in GW1, to protect you from one kind of monster and then you had to do a dongeon, one, to ascend the armor but the armor kept the same level of protection.

You dropped the ball Anet.