Showing Posts For blur.4873:

11/15 FA/CD/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: blur.4873



Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Guardian - Greatsword 2 Whirling Wrath

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


It sounds like you interrupted the skill (by dodging) before it had a chance to execute. I notice if I do that it puts a 3 second cool down on any skill you interrupt.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Shevian Boon Build

in Guardian

Posted by: blur.4873


Someone said that boon duration caps at 100% but the wiki says it caps at 90%.

Can anyone verify either is correct?

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Different color commander tags

in Suggestions

Posted by: blur.4873


I would like the ability to choose a different colors for commander tags. This IMO would help in two ways.

Strategy —
Having two commander tags on a map with a different color would make it easier to distinguish how those groups would be divided. (For example, yellow for one guild and orange for another guild)

Blue on blue —
As of right now, the blue commander tag blends in with the blue teams color. This only lasts a few seconds but I’ve found myself saying oh, there is the tag… when I could have easily seen it if it were yellow for example.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Getting stuck after building siege in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


Just wanted to see if any devs have confirmed and verified this bug. It still happens to me in WvW. Does this happen for anyone else? Thanks.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

9/27 IoJ/BP/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: blur.4873


It’s been a really fun match-up this week. The 3-way in SM last night was epic!

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Outmanned algorithm not working in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


Please fix the outmanned algorithm in WvW. There are many instances where teams are vastly outnumbered and it’s very clear with screenshots and communication but there is no buff for the outmanned team. Very unfair and unfun.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Screaming noise falling into door portals

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


In WvW, I’ve done this a few times. If you jump off the ledge above a door portal (let’s say in the hills inner keep (west gate)), if you fall into the door portal your character will make a screaming sound as if you are falling from a great height. This doesn’t kill you but it’s kinda silly.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Getting stuck after building siege in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


I was going to let this go but it’s annoying as **** now. This doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes when I build an arrow cart, catapult, ballista I will get stuck if I am in the building position when it finishes. This makes me completely stuck from executing any commands or moving for about 5-10 seconds.

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |

Bot Removal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: blur.4873


Server: Gate of Madness
Areas: Frostgorge Sound (Arundon Value, Trionic Lattice) and Fireheart Rise (Between Rustbowl & Apostate Wastes)

Submitted individual reports of bots today. Probably about 25 total in the combined zones. Please remove. Thanks!

Legends Never [DIE]
Gate of Madness→Isle of Janthir→Sanctum of Rall→Ehmry Bay
Rvrd | Guardian |